HC Deb 03 May 1978 vol 949 cc163-4W
Mr. Nott

asked the Secretary of State for Employment how many registered jobs were available in the St. Ives Parliamentary Division in 1960, 1970, 1973, and 1977; and what percentage the number of jobs at each date represented of the working population of the area.

Mr. Golding

The following table gives estimates of the numbers of employees in employment in the area covered by the Penzance, St. Ives and Helston employment offices:

June 1960 15,800
June 1970 15,200
June 1971 (a) 14,900
(b) 16,600
June 1973 17,800
June 1976 17,200

Estimates of the total working population which, in addition to employees in employment include the unemployed, self-employed persons and members of Her Majesty's forces, are not available for local areas.


1. The estimates for June 1971(a) and earlier dates were derived mainly from counts of national insurance cards and are not comparable with those for June 1971(b) and later dates which are based on censuses of employment.

2. The figures for June 1976 are the latest at present available for local areas.

3. Figures for the Hayle employment office area, part of which is in the St. Ives Parliamentary Division, are not available.