HC Deb 03 May 1978 vol 949 cc135-6W
Mr. Cohen

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will make a statement on the last meeting of the Council of Ministers.

Dr. Owen

I attended the meeting of the Foreign Affairs Council held in Brussels yesterday.

The Council had a first wide ranging exchange of views on the Commission's "fresco" report on the overall implications of enlargement of the Community to 12. It reaffirmed its political will to proceed with enlargement. The subject will be considered further at the next meeting of the Council on 6th June, when the Commission's opinion on the Portuguese application is also expected to be discussed.

The Council discussed the question of imports of footwear from outside the Community. Ireland withdrew a request to impose national restrictions on Irish footwear imports pending further discussion by the Commission with third country suppliers. There was also discussion of a Commission regulation establishing prior surveillance licensing on a Community-wide basis on footwear imports from certain sources. The implications of measures of this kind for the world trading system generally were debated and it was agreed to return to the topic at a future Council meeting, but in the context of the world economic situation.

The Commission reported on the progress of the multi-lateral trade negotiations, on current steel negotiations with certain third countries, and on tripartite talks on steel imports between the EEC, the United States and Japan. The Council took note of a series of proposed measures designed to tighten discipline in the Community steel market.

The Council also took note of a progress report by the Presidency on work on the common economic strategy called for by the April European Council. Following the call by the European Council in April for co-ordination of measures to prevent marine pollution, the Council reviewed proposals which aim to complete the framework of anti-pollution measures, and to strengthen Community action in the wider international framework.

At the United Kingdom's initiative there was a discussion of trade relations with Australia. Strong support was shown for greater efforts to clear up current problems. The Council will return to this topic on 6th June shortly before the talks to be held between the Commission and the Australian Minister for Special Trade Representation.

Some progress was made on certain outstanding problems in the draft Fourth Directive on company law.