HC Deb 02 May 1978 vol 949 c67W
32. Mr. Shersby

asked the Secretary of State for Employment what is the total cost to public funds of providing the new jobcentre in Uxbridge.

Mr. Golding

I am informed by the Manpower Services Commission that the estimated setting-up costs for the job-centre are as follows:

Adaptations (including professional fees) £26,670
Furniture and fittings £11,100

As for the running expenses, rents are not generally disclosed for commercial reasons, and figures for other current expenditure for this jobcentre are not readily available. The hon. Member may, however, find it useful to have the following details of the operating costs of an average jobcentre, which were obtained in the recent evaluation exercise.

Cost element £ Per cent.
Salaries* 56,403 67.8
Staff expenses† 1,071 1.3
Running expenses‡ 4,656 5.6
Premises costs§ 19,545 23.5
Advertising and publicity 1,521 1.8
83,196 100.0
* Includes employers costs such as ERNIC and liability for superannuation.
† Covers travel and subsistence costs.
‡ Covers such items as postage, stationery telephone charges.
§ Covers rent, rates, maintenance, office cleaning, utilities and depreciation on adaptations and furniture and fittings.