HC Deb 21 March 1978 vol 946 cc509-11W
Mr. Brotherton

asked the Secretary of State for Employment (1) what are the functions of the Ostrich and Fancy Feather and Artificial Flower Wages Council; how many people are members of it; how many employees it covers; and what cost, if any, falls on public funds;

(2) what are the functions of the Pin, Hook Eye and Snap Fastener Wages Council; how many people are members of it; how many employees it covers; and what cost, if any, falls on public funds;

(3) what are the functions of the Corset Wages Council; how many people are members of it; how many employees it covers; and what cost, if any, falls on public funds.

Mr. John Grant

The principal function of all wages councils is to make orders fixing statutory minimum remuneration for all or any of the workers in relation to whom they operate. They also have powers to make orders requiring holidays to be allowed to fix any other terms and conditions.

Travelling and out-of-pocket expenses are payable from public funds to all members attending meetings. In addition, the independent members receive fees and workers' representatives are reimbursed any loss of earnings incurred. The total cost of each meeting varies, according to the numbers attending.

The other information requested is as follows:

people in the Walsall area; and if he is satisfied with the take-up of the awards.

Mr. John Grant

I am informed by the Manpower Services Commission that to date no applications have been received under the scheme and therefore no such payments have yet been made to employers in the Walsall area. I am not satisfied with the level of take-up so far.