HC Deb 17 March 1978 vol 946 cc349-50W
Mr. Patrick Jenkin

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services how his Department reached the estimate, made in its memorandum R/30/78 (Soc. 2), of £30,000 as the cost of applying the medical treatment provisions of EEC Regulation 1408/71 to self-employed and non-employed persons.

Mr. Ennals

It is estimated that the proposed extension of the scope of the EEC regulation would increase by about 8 per cent. the number of United Kingdom nationals already covered. The figure of £30,000 represents this proportion of the present net costs of applying the medical treatment provisions of the regu-

only for Scotland and England. I regret that figures for the 1975–76 year will not be available. The following table gives the information which is available.

lation to United Kingdom employed persons, pensioners and their families visiting other member States. These costs take account of agreements with member States under which costs are mutually waived or the costs of treating other countries' nationals here are offset. The present costs of treatment for persons, including United Kingdom pensioners, resident in other member States are not expected to increase significantly.