HC Deb 10 March 1978 vol 945 c827W
Mr. Arthur Lewis

asked the Secretary of State for Trade whether there are any restrictions within the Common Market rules and regulations to prevent him from prohibiting on the grounds of cruelty the import of liver pâté produced by the forced feeding of geese.

Mr. Meacher

Article 30 of the Treaty of Rome prohibits quantitative restrictions on imports and all measures having equivalent effect between member States, but Article 36 provides exceptions to this general rule where restrictions on imports are justified in grounds of public morality or public policy on the protection of health and life of humans or animals. The EEC Commission has, however, expressed the opinion the article may not be invoked as justification for restrictions on the importation of animals solely because, in the opinion of the importing State, they have been subjected to cruelty in another member State. Whether or not this view is sustainable is for consideration.

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