HC Deb 22 June 1978 vol 952 cc273-5W
Mr. Tim Smith

asked the Secretary of State for Prices and Consumer Protection whether he will give a list of formal undertakings given to him by manufacturers and others to hold their prices stable for an agreed period of time under the provisions of the Price Commission Act 1977, giving in each case the name of the manufacturer, details of the products involved and the proposed price increases forgone, together with the date upon which the undertaking terminates.

Mr. Maclennan

I give below details of formal undertakings so far given to my right hon. Friend following recommendations by the Price Commission in reports made under the provisions of the Price Commission Act 1977:

Mr. Golding,

pursuant to his reply [Official Report, 15th June 1978; Vol. 951, c. 644–5], gave the following information:

I regret that information is not available in the form requested by the hon. Member. However, the following table shows details of the numbers of people currently being helped in the Chester area under the special employment

Estimated number of people being helped Estimated total cost £ Area covered
Temporary Employment Subsidy 434* 369,000* Chester employment office area
Job Creation Programme 241 626,000† Chester local authority area
Work Experience Programme 168 91,000‡ City of Chester Parliamentary Constituency
Youth Employment Subsidy 19 4,300§ Chester employment office area
* Local statistics on the number of jobs currently being supported under the temporary employment subsidy and their annual cost are not available: however, since the inception of the scheme, TES applications in respect of 434 workers have been approved for the Chester employment office area at an estimated cost of £369,000.
† Estimated total cost of the 241 places currently available.
‡ Estimated total cost of the 168 places currently available.
§ Estimated total cost of the 19 approved applications.

The Chester area also stands to benefit from the youth opportunities programme and the special temporary employment programme which came into operation on 1st April 1978. Local statistics for these programmes are not yet available.

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