§ Mrs. Wiseasked the Secretary of State for Social Services what steps he is taking to publicise the new pension rights protection now to be given to women or men who spend part of their working lives staying at home to care for children, sick, or elderly people.
§ Mr. OrmeLeaflet NP27—looking after someone at home—which explains how the pension rights of these people are to he protected, formed part of the recent special campaign to publicise the new pensions scheme generally and continues to be freely available from social security offices. The leaflet also explains how a married woman or widow who still has reduced contribution liability can, if she wishes, change to full liability and so take advantage of this protection. A number of other leaflets, for example, NP31—"New Pensions: A Better Deal for Women "—and NP34—" New Pensions: A More Secure Future "—both of which have been distributed in very large quantities, also contain information about this new provision. Similar information will be included in relevant child benefit and other leaflets later this year.