HC Deb 21 June 1978 vol 952 cc210-2W
Mr. Nicholas Winterton

asked the Secretary of State for Trade what account he took in arriving at his policy on industrial democracy of its success in some cases in Germany and the Netherlands.

Mr. Clinton Davis

In preparing the White Paper on industrial democracy the Government were well aware of the successful development of employee participation in other European countries, including the Federal Republic of Germany and the Netherlands.

Mr. Nicholas Winterton

asked the Secretary of State for Trade what evidence he has that efficiency in the use of the resources of the United Kingdom will improve if large firms put industrial democracy into effect, as recommended in the White Paper on industrial democracy.

Mr. Clinton Davis

I would refer the hon. Member to the answer I gave to his previous Question on this subject on 13th June 1978.

Mr. Nicholas Winterton

asked the Secretary of State for Trade if he will publish in the Official Report the reasons for advocating in the White Paper on industrial democracy that large firms should have to consult a joint representation committee before making decisions affecting the workers in any way.

Mr. Clinton Davis

The reasons for encouraging consultation with employees about major proposals which affect them are set out in paragraph 1 of Cmnd. 7231, and the need for a joint representation committee in paragraphs 11 and 12.

Mr. Nicholas Winterton

asked the Secretary of State for Trade if he will publish in the Official Report the reason for recommending in the White Paper on industrial democracy that large firms and not small ones should be required to engage in worker representation on the policy-making boards of the company.

Mr. Clinton Davis

Greater participation by employees is of benefit in all companies, but it is in the larger companies rather than smaller ones that formal structures are likely to be necessary to ensure that consultation and participation are fully effective.

Mr. Nicholas Winterton

asked the Secretary of State for Trade if he will publish in the Official Report a description of the process which will be used to select the employee representatives who, according to the latest White Paper on industrial democracy, will have seats on industries policy boards.

Mr. Clinton Davis

Cmnd. 7231 makes it clear, in paragraphs 33 to 38, that the method of selection remains to be decided in the light of further consultations.

Mr. Nicholas Winterton

asked the Secretary of State for Trade what persons or groups will be held responsible for designing the four to eight week courses that will provide employee representatives in large firms with the skills needed to do a good job of influencing company policy decisions.

Mr. Clinton Davis

Cmnd. 7231 stated in paragraph 49 that the details of the necessary education and training will he discussed with those most directly concerned. No decision has been taken about which body will be responsible for devising the necessary courses.

Mr. Nicholas Winterton

asked the Secretary of State for Trade if he will publish in the Official Report the reasons for proposing in the White Paper on industrial democracy that membership in the joint representative committee and company policy boards should be confined to members of trade unions.

Mr. Clinton Davis

Since the Government intend that their proposals for industrial democracy should complement existing collective bargaining arrangements, non-union members should participate in the JRC only by agreement. Alternative approaches to representation on policy boards are discussed in paragraphs 33 to 38 of Cmnd. 7231 and decisions will be taken in the light of consultations.

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