HC Deb 19 June 1978 vol 952 cc27-8W
Mr. Jopling

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food whether he will make a statement to clarify what assistance is available to fish fanning enterprises in the United Kingdom, as a result of the EEC Commission's decision to make grants available towards the cost of projects falling within the scope of regulation 17/64/EEC.

Mr. Bishop

Fish farming enterprises may be considered for capital grant from the Guidance Section of the EAGGF of up to 25 per cent. towards the cost of providing physical assets—that is, buildings and equipment—for production projects, under Regulation 17/64/EEC. The main provisions are that (a) projects do not come within the scope of any other Community-wide measure such as the farm modernisation directive—72/159/EEC; (b) that the member State makes a financial contribution towards the cost of the project; and (c) that work above ground has not started, nor machinery or plant been installed, before receipt of the application by the EEC Commission. Marketing and processing projects are no longer eligible under Regulation 17/64/ EEC but may be considered under Regulation 355/77/EEC.

A Ministry Press notice about the additional funds being made available for 1978 under Regulation 17/64/EEC was issued on 8th June to give those in agriculture and fisheries the opportunity to submit applications to the Agriculture Departments by 31st August 1978. Copies of this Press notice are available in the Library of the House.

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