HC Deb 13 June 1978 vol 951 cc454-5W
Mr. Michael Spicer

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services (1) what is the average nurse-patient ratio for all hospitals in England and Wales;

(2) what is the average doctor-patient ratio for all hospitals in England and Wales;

(3) what is the current nurse-patient ratio in psychiatric hospitals in England and Wales;

(4) what is the current doctor-patient ratio in psychiatric hospitals in England and Wales.

Mr. Moyle

The information for England in 1976 is set out below:

Ratios of staff to patients¶
In-patients* Day patients† Out-patients‡
All Hospitals
Doctors§ 1:11.2 1:17.4 1:1,643
Nurses§ 1:1.1 1:1.7 1:159.5
Psychiatric Hospitals║
Doctors§ 1:26.2 1:4.5 1:440.4
Nurses§ 1:1.7 1:0.3 1:29.0
* Based on average daily bed occupation during the year 1976.
† Based on total number of day care attendances during the year 1976.
‡ Based on total out-patient attendances during the year 1976 (new and old patients).
§ Based on whole-time equivalent staff in post at 30th September 1976.
║ Based on provisional figures for staff in post.
¶ Individual patients may have been in more than one category during the year.