HC Deb 31 July 1978 vol 955 c10W
Mr. Nicholas Winterton

asked the Secretary of State for Trade if he will make a statement about the present situation relating to an agreement and referendum negotiated by the EEC Commission with Portugal which for two group I products exceeded the global ceilings.

Mr. Meacher

The United Kingdom lifted its reserve on this agreement at the EEC Council of Ministers on 25th July. Following further negotiations between the Commission and the Portuguese authorities, the agreement now provides for a reduction of 50 tonnes in the increases in the United Kingdom ceilings for cotton yarn and synthetic cloth below the level initially reported by the Commission. The final agreement will involve an increase of 68 tonnes in the United Kingdom ceilings for cotton yarn and 454 tonnes in the United Kingdom ceilings for synthetic cloth; there is an offsetting reduction of 421 tonnes in the ceiling for cotton cloth. The agreement also provides for an increase of 300 tonnes in the United Kingdom quota for cordage. At the same meeting satisfactory assurances were received from the Commission regarding rapid action to be taken in respect of unrestrained suppliers where their exports to the Community or to an individual member State threatened to exceed the global ceilings or to cause market disruption.

Mr. Noble

asked the Secretary of State for Trade if he will make a statement on the discussions in the Council of Ministers concerning textiles.

Mr. Dell

The United Kingdom lifted its reserve on the revised version of the ad referendum agreement reached between the Comission and Portugal, and endorsed the action taken by the Commission in respect of Greece and Spain. Satisfactory assurances were received from the Commission concerning the treatment of unrestrained suppliers whose exports to the Community, or to an individual member State, threatened to exceed the global ceilings or to cause market disruption.