HC Deb 31 July 1978 vol 955 cc133-8W
Mr. Pavitt

asked the Secretary of state for Social Services if he will publish in the Official Report a list of the membership of each regional authority.

Mr. Ennals

I am required to appoint approximately half of the membership of the 14 regional health authorities whose term of office expires on 31st July 1978. Subject to acceptance by appointees, the membership will be as follows:

1. Northern Region

  • Mr. G. R. Chetwynd (Chairman)
  • Mr. G. L. Allen*
  • Councillor I. Benn
  • Mr. A. G. Brown
  • Mr. G. V. Carr
  • Councillor J. M. Cousins*
  • Councillor C. H. d'Ambrumenil*
  • Dr. D. P. Dodgson
  • Mr. W. R. S. Forsyth
  • Dr. T. Gardner
  • Miss P. A. Grosvenor*
  • Mr. S. Hawdon
  • Councillor J. Hudson
  • Mr. W. A. Kutub*
  • Dr. R. Mowbray
  • Councillor Mrs. A. Pratt
  • Mr. J. Rudd*
  • 134
  • Councillor Mrs. T. S. Russell
  • Professor D. A. Shaw
  • Councillor R. K. Wilkinson*

2. Yorkshire Region

  • Sir William Tweddle (Chairman)
  • Councillor J. Culpan
  • Mr. B. Hayward
  • Dr. R. P. Hullin
  • Dr. S. Husain-Qureshi
  • Mr. D. C. James
  • Miss E. M. Jenks*
  • Dr. J. MacGregor
  • Councillor J. D. Pearman
  • Dr. D. R. L. M. Poirier
  • Dr. J. M. Roberts
  • Mrs. Y. Shearman
  • Dr. C. G. W. Sykes
  • Councillor Mrs. J. Tidswell
  • Mr. C. A. Waite*
  • Councillor M. A. Wheaton
  • Mr. R. W. J. Wood

3. Trent Region

  • Sir Sydney King (Chairman)
  • Councillor D. Brown*
  • Mr. J. O. Driver
  • Mr. G. Harrison
  • Councillor Mrs. J. B. Hartley
  • Mrs. B. Higgins*
  • Mrs. R. W. Kelly
  • Professor R. Kilpatrick
  • Councillor H. L. Lambert
  • Rt. Hon. the Earl of Lanesborough
  • Councillor J. Layden
  • Mrs. J. Lyne*
  • Councillor G. M. McDade
  • Mr. J. H. Neill
  • Mr. F. Orrell
  • Councillor J. Radford*
  • Dr. M. E. Rawlin*
  • Professor G. D. Sims
  • Councillor D. Smart
  • Councillor R. M. Stockdale*
  • Professor E. M. Symonds
  • Mr. C. A. Unwin
  • Miss P. A. I. Vick
  • Mr. D. C. Samworth
  • Mrs. J. E. Taylor
  • Councillor Mrs. J. V. Wootton

4. East Anglian Region

  • Sir Arthur South (Chairman)
  • Councillor J. A. Alston
  • Mr. E. S. Broadway*
  • Councillor Mrs. A. Chalmers
  • Councillor A. D. Cornell
  • Professor A. R. Emerson
  • Mrs. R. C. Frostick
  • Dr. P. Hollis*
  • Mr. C.: E. Kevill-Davies
  • Mrr. J. B. Mowson
  • Councillor Mrs. A. H. Payne
  • Mr. C. K. Phillips
  • Councillor Mrs. P. M. Ramm
  • Dr. A. J. Rowe
  • Councillor Mrs. R. A. Skerritt
  • Mr. A. E. L. Sladen
  • Miss S. M. Wright

5. North West Thames Region

  • Mrs. B. F. R. Paterson (Chairman)
  • Councillor Dr. A. J. R. Anderson*
  • Mr. J. G. Bartlett
  • 135
  • Councillor P. H. Bolshaw
  • Mr. R. W. Brown M.P.
  • Councillor Mrs. D. Brunt*
  • Councillor Sir Malby Crofton (Bart)
  • Miss W. Frost
  • Mr. W. F. Hodson
  • Councillor Mrs. B. Langstone*
  • Mr. W. F. Milner*
  • Mr. R. G. Morgan
  • Professor N. F. Morris
  • Mr. J. Morrisey
  • Mr. M. Newling Ward
  • Dr. S. G. Owen*
  • Mrs. J. Partridge*
  • Dr. C. J. P. Seccombe
  • Councillor Miss M. C. Shepherd
  • Mr. A. Snewing
  • Mr. R. J. Tomlinson
  • Miss A. J. Weyman*

6. North East Thames Region

  • Sir Harry Moore (Chairman)
  • Mrs. S. Anderson*
  • Dr. D. S. Carmichael*
  • Miss D. A. Coates
  • Councillor S. G. Curtis*
  • Councillor Mrs. M. R. Davey
  • Alderman Lady Donaldson
  • Mrs. M. R. Frank*
  • Mr. F. V. Hencher
  • Mr. L. Freedman
  • Mr. D. B Hoodless
  • Councillor Mrs. T. Jowell
  • Mrs. L. H. Lipson
  • Mr. J. Minter
  • Dr. G. R. O'Moore*
  • Professor T. A. J. Prankerd
  • Mr. J. G. Quinton
  • Lady Sherman*
  • Mrs. J. M. Smith

7. South East Thames Region

  • Sir John Donne (Chairman)
  • Mr R. A. Balfe*
  • Miss K. R. Bryant*
  • Mr. D. L. Crouch M.P.
  • Mr. B. M. Gnanapragasm
  • Mr. R. F. Hayllar
  • Professor P. M. Higgins
  • Professor Sir Denis Hill
  • Professor J. G. Murray
  • Councillor G. E. Offord
  • Councillor D. Smith*
  • Mr. F. E. Smith
  • Mrs. J. Stearne*
  • Dr. G. Templeman
  • Councillor J. Waite
  • Councillor Mrs. J. N. Waters
  • Lady Audrey Willis

8. South West Thames Region

  • The Rt. Hon. Baroness Robson of Kiddington (Chairman)
  • Councillor W. G. L. Austin
  • Mr. C. N. Beard*
  • Mrs. P. Benians*
  • Mrs. P. M. Boulton
  • Councillor Mrs. M. E. Campbell*
  • Councillor J. W. Chapman
  • Professor A. C. Dornhorst
  • Mr. D. Franklin*
  • Mr. P. S. Lambert*
  • Dr. B. W. Meade
  • Dr. T. Silver
  • 136
  • Councillor Mrs. H. Smith
  • Councillor Dr. D. J. Neal Smith
  • Councillor Miss I. S. E. Tomlin
  • Mr. G. A. Turner
  • Mr. W. E. Walton
  • Mr. M. Ward
  • Mr. H. C. Weller
  • Mr. D. O. Williams*

9. Wessex Region

  • Mr. Kingsley Williams (Chairman)
  • Mr. R. A. Bates
  • Mr. J. C. Bloomfield
  • Councillor Mrs. J. E. Chrismas
  • Mr. R. C. Donnelly
  • Mr. D. J. Downham*
  • Councillor W. H. Earle
  • Professor Sir James Fraser
  • Miss D. I. Frost*
  • Professor L. C. B. Gower
  • Councillor Surgeon-Captain A. MacDonald Watson
  • Lord Northbrook
  • Dr. D. J. Parish
  • Mr. A. M. Rees
  • Mr. G. W. Spicer
  • Dr. H. M. Tuddenham*
  • Councillor J. W. Wall

10. Oxford Region

  • Mr. G. J. Roberts (Chairman)
  • Mr. G. Anderson
  • Mr. W. A. R. Bilson
  • Councillor Mrs. P. M. Birch Reynerdson*
  • Mr. G. R. Cooper
  • Professor R. B. Duthie
  • Mr. R. F. Kempster
  • Councillor J. L. Kirkconel
  • Mr. F. Moran*
  • Mr. D. J. Morgan
  • Dr. R. P. M. M. Pritchard
  • Mr. J. L. Rawlings*
  • Councillor C. L. Rayner
  • Dr. A. O. Robson
  • Councillor J. E. Slater
  • Mr. P. S. Taylor
  • Councillor Mrs. J. M. Thomas*
  • Councillor A. G. Wilkinson*

11. South Western Region

  • Mr. B. H. Bailey (Chairman)
  • Mr. A. J. Boyce
  • Mr. E. J. G. Cantwell
  • Mrs. J. Cocks*
  • Mr. R. D. G. Creery*
  • Councillor Mrs. L. A. Gallup
  • Dr. J. S. Gilmore
  • Councillor W. Graves
  • Mr. R. E. Heal
  • Councillor J. B. Kitson
  • Mrs. E. Körner
  • Dr. G. K. McGowan
  • Councillor Lt.-Col. W. A. McLelland
  • Councillor Dr. F. R. Oliver
  • Professor J. H. Peacock
  • Mrs. D. A. J. Perry
  • Councillor Mrs. J. Pitt
  • Mr. J. Trahair
  • Mrs. B. J. Young

12. West Midlands Region

  • Sir David Perris (Chairman)
  • Mrs. W. A. Andrews
  • Professor M. R. W. Brown
  • 137
  • Dr. B. C. Conochie
  • Councillor Mrs. A. Davis
  • Councillor A. G. Garner*
  • Councillor Mrs. N. B. Hodgson
  • Professor R. Hoffenberg
  • Sir Robert Hunter
  • Mr. S. King*
  • Mrs. D. E. McAuslan
  • Mr. J. Melvin
  • Councillor A. A. Moore*
  • Mr. A J. Parkinson
  • Mr. J. Glyn Picton
  • Councillor M. K. Prendergast
  • Councillor E. W. Shepherd
  • Dr. N. K. Shinton*
  • Mr. G. R. Stephens
  • Councillor A. G. Ward
  • Councillor Miss S. R. R. Wright

13. Mersey Region

  • Mr. E. W. Driver (Chairman)
  • Councillor W. H. Alldritt
  • Councillor H. J. Bailey*
  • Mr. R. A. Barnett
  • Councillor Mrs. P. H. Beeston
  • Mr. J. H. C. Byrne
  • Mr. P. J. Caswell
  • Councillor J. Caunce
  • Mr. R. I. Cohen
  • Councillor G. S. Couper
  • Mr. R. W. Crosbie
  • Professor E. D. Farmer
  • Mrs. E. Halling*
  • Mr. R. G. Hoare
  • Mr. G. McNamara*
  • Dr. P. O'Brien
  • Miss M. Riddoch
  • Councillor J. P. Roberts
  • Councillor R. Stoddart*
  • Dr. P. Sykes*

14. North Western Region

  • Mr. S. C. Hamburger (Chairman)
  • Mr. J. Baggley
  • Councillor J. S. Bell
  • Mrs A. C. Boddington
  • Councillor N. Briggs*
  • Mr. H. Brown*
  • Dr. S. Chatterjee
  • Mr. F. Gibson
  • Councillor Mrs. C. M. Harrison*
  • Mr. R. R. Jackson-Moore
  • Dr. S. A. P. Jenkins
  • Councillor G. MacDonald
  • Mrs. C. Merry*
  • Professor J. R. Moore
  • Mr. R. T. Parkinson
  • Councillor Mrs. C. M. Pickard
  • Councillor G. Riley*
  • Miss D. Salisbury
  • Dr. P. J. D. Snow*

(*First-time appointments from 1st August 1978)

I am deeply conscious of the heavy burdens and responsibilities associated with membership of regional health authorities. The settling down period for these new authorities has been a difficult time for all concerned, and the debt owed to those members who have steered their authorities through these early years is considerable. In particular, we would like to pay tribute to those members whose appointments end on 31st July 1978.

Mr. Holland

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services if he will list in the Official Report the total cost of running each of the regional health authorities in the last 12 months for which figures are available; and what is the estimated charge to public funds each for 1978–79.

Mr. Moyle,

pursuant to his reply [Official Report, 21st June 1978; Vol. 952, c. 167], gave the following information:

These figures have been provided by the regional health authorities:

£ million
Regional Health Authority 1976–77 Expenditure 1978–79 Estimate at cash limit levels
Northern 2.043 2.350
Yorkshire 2.332 2.900
Trent 3.146 3.900
East Anglia 1.671 2.000
North West Thames 2.322 2.650
North East Thames 2.810 3.600
South East Thames 3.315 3.900
South West Thames 2.608 3.300
Wessex 2.035 2.050
Oxford 1.486 1.500
South Western 2.336 2.700
West Midlands 3.988 4.750
Mersey 1.717 1.850
North Western 3.409 4.000