HC Deb 31 July 1978 vol 955 cc139-41W
Mr. Watkinson

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services (1) on how many patients electro-convulsive therapy treatment

of a family on one-half and two-thirds average national earnings, with three children aged under 11 years, in 1973–74 and 1977–78 expressed at current price levels taking account of family allowances and child benefit, family income supplement, rent and rate rebates and allowances and free school milk.

Mr. Orme,

pursuant to his reply [Official Report, 12th June 1978; Vol. 951, c. 332–4], gave the following information:

I regret that the figures of national average earnings on which my reply of 12th June was based were incorrect. The correct figures have been used for the following tables which show the net weekly spending power of a family with two children under 11 years and earnings of one-half and two-thirds average national earnings in February 1974 and February 1978. This information is based on assumptions which are included in the notes below the tables.

has been used in Coney Hill Hospital, Gloucestershire;

(2) pursuant to the answer to the Member for Gloucestershire, West, on 7th July, if the approximate figure of 3,750 patients who have received electro-convulsive treatment at Coney Hill Hospital in the past three years refers to separate individuals who have received treatment or refers to the number of occasions on which which electro-convulsive therapy treatment has been used.

Mr. Moyle,

pursuant to his replies [Official Report, 7th and 17th July 1978; Vol. 953, c. 337; Vol. 954, c. 101–2], gave the following corrected information:

The approximate number of patients who have received electro-convulsive therapy treatment at Coney Hill Hospital, Gloucester in the past three years is 400. The previous information had been erroneously supplied by the Gloucestershire area health authority.