HC Deb 26 July 1978 vol 954 cc726-7W
65. Sir Anthony Royle

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department why his Department failed to provide bail hostel figures in a reply dated 22nd May to Mrs J. E. Lloyd of 22 High Park Road, Kew Gardens, when he provided them in a parliamentary reply to the hon. Member for Richmond, Surrey on 25th May.

Dr. Summerskill

Statistics supplied earlier to Mrs. Lloyd based on returns from hostel wardens had been discovered to be unreliable in some respects and it was thought unsafe to use them. This was explained to Mrs. Lloyd. On further examination it was realised that some of the figures could properly be used and these were given in reply to the hon. Member's Question on 25th May. It remains impossible to be sure from the returns how many offences were committed during residence at the hostel—which was among the information which Mrs. Lloyd had requested—or to relate further offences to absconders.