HC Deb 17 July 1978 vol 954 c44W
Mr. John Moore

asked the Secretary of State for Trade if he will publish in the Official Report a table showing for the latest date for which information is available for the EEC as a whole and for each present member State of the EEC, the percentage of each country's imports that originate in (a) other member States of the EEC, (b) the United States of America, (c) Japan and (d) rest of world excluding EEC, the United States of America and Japan.

Mr. Meacher

Following is the information:

Mr. Clinton Davis

Following the implementation of the first stage of report No. 10 of the Review Body on Top Salaries, the net salary of the chairman, deputy-chairman and board member—using the average salary of other full-time board members—and expressed in terms of 1972 prices will be as follows: chairman £5,358; deputy-chairman £5,118; board member £4,484. The chairman is currently working less than full-time for a proportionate salary.

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