HC Deb 12 July 1978 vol 953 cc582-4W
Mr. Ron Thomas

asked the Secretary of State for Employment if a youngster who leaves school at Easter and who is likely to have particular difficulty in finding suitable employment will have to wait until 1st September before he or she can take advantage of the youth opportunities programme.

Mr. Golding

No. I am informed by the Manpower Services Commission that Easter school leavers are eligible for entry to the youth opportunities programme at any time after leaving school, provided that they have been registered as unemployed for at least six weeks.

Mr. Ron Thomas

asked the Secretary of State for Employment what provision has been made for those youngsters who leave school during or at the end of the summer term and who are likely to have particular difficulties in finding suitable employment, especially disabled school leavers; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Golding

I am informed by the Manpower Services Commission that young people leaving school during or at the end of the summer term will be eligible for entry to the youth opportunities programme from 1st September in England and Wales and from 1st August in Scotland. However, disabled young people can enter courses within the programme at employment rehabilitation centres or residential training centres at any time after leaving school. In addition, in an area where unemployment is such that young people are likely to experience exceptional difficulties in finding employment, there is provision for the restriction on entry to the programme to be waived.

The question of the eligibility conditions for disabled young people entering other parts of the programme and of additional provision for the particular needs of the disabled which might appropriately be made under the programme is currently being examined by the Manpower Services Commission. I shall make a statement in due course.

Mr. Ron Thomas

asked the Secretary of State for Employment if a disabled youngster who leaves school at Easter will have to wait until 1st September before he or she can take advantage of the youth opportunities programme.

Mr. Golding

No. I am informed by the Manpower Services Commission that all Easter school leavers are eligible for entry to the youth opportunities programme at any time after leaving school provided that they have been registered as unemployed for at least six weeks. Disabled Easter school leavers can enter courses within the programme which are specifically designed for their needs immediately after leaving school and they are eligible to take up other opportunities in the programme at any time provided that there is no waiting list of young people who have been registered as unemployed for six weeks or more.

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