HC Deb 10 July 1978 vol 953 c409W
Mr. Whitney

asked the Secretary of State for Trade, in the light of the Prime Minister's speech in New York on 26th June 1978 advocating selective arrangements which would give greater access for the products of developing countries into industrialised countries, what arrangements will be proposed for the United Kingdom.

Mr. Dell

At the Council of EEC Foreign Ministers on 26th June it was agreed, with the full support of the United Kingdom, that the Community should accord differential and more favourable treatment to the developing countries in its industrial tariff offers. The Council also declared its intention to make further improvements in the Community's generalised scheme of preferences in 1979. The selective arrangement referred to in the Prime Minister's speech was the selective safe-guard clause which the EEC is seeking in the context of the GATT mutilateral trade negotiations.

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