HC Deb 23 January 1978 vol 942 c455W
Mr. Maxwell-Hyslop

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment (1) to whom, and at what address, organisations and members of the public should write indicating that they wish to give evidence or question witnesses at the non-statutory public inquiry into the proposed sub-regional security unit at Langdon near Dawlish; and whether he will arrange for a copy of the proposals which are the subject of the inquiry to be available to the public at the offices of Dawlish Town Council;

(2) whether he will ensure that the public inquiry into the proposed sub-regional security unit at Langdon, near Dawlish, does not take place during the holiday season, June to September, inclusive, in order that all witnesses are able to attend; and when he expects to be able to announce the date and location of the inquiry.

Mr. Guy Barnett

Organisations and members of the public wishing to give evidence may write to the Regional Controller (Housing and Planning), Department of the Environment, Froomsgate House, Ruper Street, Bristol, BS1 2QN. The Teignbridge District Council will be asked to secure adequate publicity for the proposals and to ensure that a copy of the notice of proposed development will be made available for public inspection at the offices of Dawlish Town Council. The conduct of the inquiry proceedings is the responsibility of the inspector.

Arrangements for the inquiry will be discussed with the health authority and the Teignbridge District Council very shortly and the effect of the holiday season will be borne in mind. Details of time and place will be announced as soon as possible.