HC Deb 20 February 1978 vol 944 cc468-70W
Mr. Woof

asked the Secretary of State for Industry what proportion of the applications for aid from the European Development Fund submitted by him fall primarily into each of the following categories (a) advance factory building, (b) infrastructure improvements, (c) retraining and (d) aids towards autonomous regional long-term development.

Mr. Cryer

Applications to the European Regional Development Fund submitted to the Commission in the period 1975–77 resulted in a total commitment of ERDF contributions to United Kingdom projects of £150.4 million. Of this 9 per cent. related to advance factories; 50 per cent. to intrastructure improvement projects; and 41 per cent. related to national regional aids paid to industrial projects. Community aid towards retraining is made available not from the ERDF, but from the European Social Fund which is the responsibility of my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Employment.

Mr. Woof

asked the Secretary of State for Industry (1) how many applications for aid from the European Regional Fund have been received by him from (a) local authorities, (b) other public agencies, and (c) private agencies;

(2) how many applications for aid from the European Regional Fund received by him have been submitted by him to the Fund's administrators in each of the categories (a) local authorities, (b) other public agencies, and (c) private agencies;

(3) what is the total value of applications for aid from the European Regional Development Fund submitted by him to the Fund's administration in each of the following categories (a) local authorities, (b) other public agencies, and (c) private agencies;

(4) what is the total value of the applications for aid from the Regional Development Fund received by him from each of the categories (a) local authorities, (b) other public agencies, and (c) private agencies.

Mr. Cryer

During 1975–77, the first three years of the operation of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), up to 1,600 and 700 intrastructure projects have been mentioned by local authorities and public agencies respectively, to the Departments concerned with preparing applications as possible candidates for Fund assistance. During the same period applications were made to ERDF in respect of 562 local authority and 220 other public agency infrastructure projects, for which aid was sought for £30 million and £49 million respectively.

Industrial projects are generally identified by Departments, including the Department of Industry, from amongst those receiving regional aid and applications are prepared in consultation with the companies concerned.

The total value of the ERDF contribution towsrds the cost of United Kingdof projects approved by the European Commission in 1975–77 is £150.4 million. Of this, £61.5 million relates to industrial projects, £13.1 million to Government advance factories and £75.8 million to intrastructure projects undertaken by local and other public authorities.

Mr. Kenneth Clarke

asked the Secretary of State for Industry when the Council of Ministers is next likely to discuss the proposal that there should be a section of the European Regional Development Fund outside the national quota arrangement and whether he will make a statement on the progress of negotiations on this subject so far.

Mr. Cryer

Some member States still have reservations about the operation of the proposed non-quota section. Further progress will need to be made in discussions at official level, which are to be resumed later this week, before the issue is ready for consideration by the Council of Ministers.