HC Deb 16 February 1978 vol 944 cc303-6W
Mr. Gow

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment (1) how many directions he has made in accordance with Section 44(1) of the Community Land Act 1975; whether he will list the amounts paid to him under Section 44(2) of the Act; whether he will list in the Official Report the regulations which he has prescribed under Section 46; and on how many occasions he has exercised the reserve powers contained in Part 6 of the Act;

(2) what directions he has given under Section 43 of the Community Land Act 1975; and whether he will list those directions in the Official Report.

Mr. Guy Barnett

No payments have so far been made under Section 44(2). My right hon. Friend has continually in mind the possibility of using his powers under Part VI in appropriate cases. The relevant directions and regulations are as follows:

Power Sections 43 and 44: The Community Land Accounts (England) Directions 1975. The Community Land Accounts (England) Directions 1976. Section 46: The Community Land (Register of Land Holdings) (England) Regulations 1976.

Mr. Gow

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment what publications he has made in accordance with Section 43(6) of the Community Land Act 1975; what further publications he proposes to make; and on what dates.

Mr. Guy Barnett

No formal statements have been published so far, but a great deal of information has been provided to the House.

Mr. Gow

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment how many applications he has received from a principal council for consent to dispose of a substantial interest in land, under Section 42 of the Community Land Act 1975; how many he has granted; how many he has refused; and how many are still pending.

Mr. Guy Barnett

Of the 1,883 applications for consent to dispose of land outside the terms of the General Disposal Consent (Annex D to DoE Circular 26/76), 1,417 have been granted, 392 refused and 74 are pending. Many of the consents granted relate to sales of no significance to the land scheme—taken as no more than ½ hectare in size and £25,000 in value)—and the general consent has recently been amended to include these.

Mr. Gow

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment how much land, and at what price in each case, he has acquired under the provisions of Sections 28 and 30 of the Community Land Act 1975; how many notices he has issued under Sections 34 of the Act; and whether he will publish the notices in the Official Report.

Mr. Guy Barnett

No land has been acquired under Sections 28 and 30 of the Community Land Act 1975. No notices have been issued under Section 34.

Mr. Gow

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment how many orders he has made under Section 18 of the Community Land Act 1975; and whether he will list those orders in the Official Report.

Mr. Guy Barnett


Mr. Gow

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment which county authorities have, and which have not, made a land acquisition and management scheme, as provided in Section 16 of the Community Land Act 1975.

Mr. Guy Barnett

All county authorities in England have made land acquisition and management schemes.

Mr. Gow

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment on how many occasions he has given his consent to an authority to acquire land compulsorily in accordance with Section 15(1)(b) of the Community Land Act 1975.

Mr. Guy Barnett


Mr. Gow

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment what is the total additional number of civil servants employed by his Department as a result of the provisions of the Community Land Act; and how many additional employees have been engaged by local authorities in England, Wales and Scotland as a result of the provisions of the Act.

Mr. Guy Barnett

The additional civil servants employed in the Department of the Environment as a result of the provisions of the Community Land Act cannot, in practice, be isolated from staff on other duties. Figures for staff employed by local authorities as a result of the Act are not available centrally.

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