HL Deb 08 February 1978 vol 388 cc1161-2WA

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What non-tariff barriers against British exports to other Member States of the EEC are still in force; and what actions Her Majesty's Government are taking to remove them.


Non-tariff barriers to trade are contrary to the Rome Treaty. They can take many forms such as standards regulations and public procurement practices and it would be impracticable to draw up a list of those which might affect British exports to other Member States of the EEC. The Community has an extensive programme for the elimination of technical barriers to trade in which Her Majesty's Government are playing a full role. In addition, where a British exporter has evidence which suggests that our exports may be suffering because of the operation of a non-tariff barrier, the Government stand ready to pursue the matter with the appropriate authorities in the Member State concerned or with the Commission. The latter currently have under consideration several cases which we have brought to their attention.