HL Deb 01 February 1978 vol 388 c843WA

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What types of vessels, and how many of them Soviet or Warsaw Pact vessels, have entered the safety zones set up round British oil and gas installations, and what steps have Her Majesty's Government taken on such occasions.


Since 1969 about two-thirds of vessels reported to have entered safety zones around offshore installations on the United Kingdom Continental Shelf were fishing vessels, and the remainder were other commercial or military vessels. There have been 294 reported infringements, of which 24 have been by Soviet or East European vessels. Minor safety zone infringements by foreign vessels have been brought to the attention to the Government of the flag State, with a request to rebuke the owner or master. Similar action is taken by the Department of Trade for United Kingdom registered vessels. Serious infringements have been the subject of formal diplomatic protests to the appropriate Governments.