HC Deb 15 December 1978 vol 960 c418W
Mr. Spearing

asked the Secretary of State for Employment whether he is now able to say what assistance the Government are prepared to give towards the severance of registered dockworkers in response to the short-term trade and manpower plan agreed between the Port of London Authority and the trade unions.

Mr. Harold Walker:

The Government have undertaken to provide grants to meet the costs of severance payments made between 5th May 1978 and 30th June 1979 to registered dockworkers in the Port of London under the terms of the industry's national voluntary severance scheme. The employers' side of the National Joint Council has agreed to a request by the London Port Employers' Association that as from 24th November 1978 the maximum payment under the NVSS to registered dockworkers accepting severance in London should be increased to £8,500. The Government have agreed that payment of grant from 24th November 1978 to 30th June 1979 should reflect these improved terms in order to secure the necessary number of severances.

The Government have indicated that it is not prepared to meet the request to give further assistance by repaying the London Port Employers' Association's debt to the National Dock Labour Board under the NVSS as it stood at 5th May 1978; and that it is unlikely that a reduction in the current rate of severance levy in London can be contemplated in the foreseeable future.