HC Deb 15 December 1978 vol 960 cc497-501W
Mr. Mike Thomas

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department what were the total numbers of staff and the

General Service Grades Men Women Total
Permanent under-secretary of state 1 0 1
Deputy under-secretary of state 7 0 7
Assistant under-secretary of state 20 2 22
Executive directing (middle) 1 0 1
Executive directing (lower) 1 0 1
Assistant secretary 48 4 52
Senior principal 20 0 20
Principal 177 24 201
Senior executive officer 168 27 195
Higher executive officer 545 125 670
Higher executive officer (A) 19 10 29
Administration trainee (HEO) 0 1 1
Administration trainee 14 14 28
Executive officer 822 536 1,358
Chief information officer 2 0 2
Principal information officer 2 0 2
Senior information officer 6 1 7
Information officer 7 4 11
Assistant information officer 1 2 3
Economic adviser 1 0 1
Chief statistician 3 0 3
Statistician 13 0 13
Senior assistant statistician 2 3 5
Assistant statistician 4 0 4
Senior librarian 1 0 1
Librarian 1 3 4
Assistant librarian 2 7 9
Chief scientific officer B 1 0 1
Deputy chief scientific officer 7 0 7
Senior principal scientific officer 13 1 14
Principal scientific officer 72 3 75
Senior scientific officer 134 4 138
Higher scientific officer 86 17 103
Directing grade A 1 0 1
Directing grade B 3 0 3
Superintending grade 11 0 11
Principal professional and technological officer 53 0 53
Professional and technological officer (PTO) I 171 0 171
PTO II 132 2 134
PTO III 97 0 97
Technical officer B 1 0 1
Graphics officer I 1 0 1
Graphics officer II 1 0 1
Graphics officer III 5 0 5
Instructional officer I 21 0 21
Instructional officer III 707 9 716
Assistant solicitor 4 0 4
Senior legal assistant 3 3 6
Legal assistant 4 0 4
Chief superintendent of typists 0 3 3
Chief research officer (social science) 1 0 1
Senior principal research officer (social science) 3 0 3
Principal research officer (social science) 8 3 11
Senior research officer (social science) 9 5 14
Research officer (social science) 5 6 11
Chief accountant 1 0 1
Principal medical officer 11 0 11
Senior medical officer 23 2 25

numbers of men and women, respectively, at the latest available date in each grade from administrative trainee upwards in his Department.

Mr. Merlyn Rees:

The number of staff in post on 1st December 1978 in grades with basic salary maxima equivalent to, or greater than, the maximum of the administration trainee scale was as follows:

Men Women Total
Medical officer 86 10 96
Senior medical laboratory technician 1 0 1
Chief photoprinter 1 0 1
Senior principal psychologist 1 0 1
Principal psychologist 10 5 15
Senior psychologist 34 16 50
Psychologist 8 6 14
Stores officer:
Grade A 5 0 5
Grade B 11 0 11
Grade C 19 1 20
Telecommunications technical officer:
Grade B 2 0 2
Grade I 17 0 17
Grade II 40 0 40
Grade III 22 0 22
Prison Service
Governor I 23 2 25
Governor II 58 1 59
Governor III 76 6 82
Assistant governor I 134 5 139
Assistant governor II 242 28 270
Chief officer I 53 1 54
Chief officer II 149 11 160
Senior foreman of works 23 0 23
Foreman of works 41 0 41
Senior principal nursing sister 0 1 1
Principal nursing sister 0 4 4
Senior nursing sister 0 17 17
Chief inspector of the prison service 1 0 1
Assistant controller 6 0 6
Chief education officer 1 0 1
Deputy chief education officer 1 0 1
Regional education officer 4 0 4
Chief physical education officer 2 0 2
Regional physical education officer 4 1 5
Deputy chief vocational training officer 1 0 1
Regional vocational training officer 4 0 4
Vocational training officer 2 0 2
Chief farms and gardens officer 1 0 1
Senior farms and gardens officer 3 0 3
Farms and gardens officer 5 0 5
Farm manager I 6 0 6
Farm manager IA 10 0 10
Chaplain General, prisons 1 0 1
Assistant Chaplain General, prisons 1 0 1
Chaplain (Church of England) 97 0 97
Senior Roman Catholic chaplain 1 0 1
Roman Catholic chaplain 55 0 55
Consultant forensic psychiatrist 1 0 1
Head pharmacist 1 0 1
Chief pharmacist 3 3 1 4
Chief pharmacist 4 7 1 8
Chief pharmacist 5 1 0 1
Senior social worker 0 1 1
Immigration Service
Chief inspector 1 0 1
Deputy chief inspector 2 0 2
Assistant chief inspector 9 0 9
Inspector 35 0 35
Chief immigration officer 196 0 196
Immigration officer 999 147 1,146
Immigration officer B 18 0 18
Interpreter 10 2 12
Other Departmental Grades
Chief wireless technician 66 0 66
Senior wireless technician 140 0 140
Chief probation inspector 1 0 1
Deputy chief probation inspector 2 0 2
Superintending probation inspector 2 1 3

Men Women Total
Probation inspector 14 1 15
Chief inspector (cruelty to animals) 1 0 1
Superintending inspector (cruelty to animals) 2 0 2
Inspector (cruelty to animals) 10 1 11
Home Defence College:
Principal 1 0 1
Vice-Principal 1 0 1
Group director 2 0 2
Tutor 8 0 8
Fire Service Technical College:
Commandant 1 0 1
Director of studies 1 0 1
Head of faculty 3 0 3
Director of general studies 1 0 1
Head of civilian tutors 1 0 1
Senior civilian tutor 2 0 2
Senior instructor 1 0 1
Civilian tutor 10 0 10
Police College:
Director of general studies 1 0 1
Senior civilian tutor 6 0 6
Civilian tutor 14 1 15
Fire Service Staff College:
Commandant 1 0 1
Senior course director 1 0 1
Senior civilian tutor 1 0 1
Civilian tutor 1 0 1
Home Office Unit for educational methods:
Senior tutor 1 0 1
Tutor II 4 1 5
Catering adviser 1 0 1
Regional catering manager 3 0 3
Catering officer A 3 2 5
Catering officer I 5 1 6
H.M. Chief Inspector of Constabulary 1 0 1
H.M. Inspector of Constabulary 4 0 4
Fire Service:
H.M. Chief Inspector 1 0 1
H.M. Inspector I 7 0 7
H.M. Inspector II 7 0 7
Assistant inspector 19 1 20
Fireground supervisor 1 0 1
Communications officer 4 0 4
Assistant communications officer 1 0 1
Adviser on magistrates' courts 1 0 1
Consultant, voluntary services unit 1 0 1
Adviser, Community development project 0 1 1
Project director, fire education in secondary schools 1 0 1
Total 6,382 1,098 7,480