§ Mr. Gordon Wilsonasked the Secretary of State for Energy if he will list in tabular form the drilling rigs in operation in the North Sea in 1977 showing (a) their flag derivation, (b) their owners and operators, (c) the oil companies to which they were respectively contracted and (d) in each instance those for which safety or equipment dispensations were given because they did not meet approved standards.
§ Dr. MabonThe following mobile drilling rigs were operating on the United Kingdom continental shelf during 1977:
333WNo dispensations were given affecting safety standards.
§ Mr. Gordon Wilsonasked the Secretary of State for Energy how many drilling rigs applied for a certificate of fitness in 1977 ; how many were refused because they did not meet approved standards ; and how many were granted dispensations from attaining approved standards in one or more respects and were issued with certificates of fitness.
§ Dr. MabonEight mobile drilling rigs were issued with certificates of fitness in 1977. None of these included dispensations from attaining approved standards.
It is unlikely that there were any others which were refused certificates by the certifying authorities as such cases would normally be referred to the Department of Energy for consideration. No such references were made.