HC Deb 13 December 1978 vol 960 cc198-9W
Mr. Cartwright

asked the Secretary of State for Energy if he is now in a position to publish the results of his review of the code of practice on payment of domestic electricity and gas bills; and if he will make a statement.

Dr. John Cunningham:

Following the review carried out under my chairmanship, a revision of the code into plain, easier-to-read language has been prepared by the gas and electricity industries, with the full co-operation of their trade unions, the electricity and national gas consumers' councils and the other Government Departments concerned. This revision was assisted by a helpful initiative of the Electricity Consumers' Council in having a simplified version of the code drafted. In addition, a widening of the safeguards for families with young children—by raising the qualifying age from five to 11—has been incorporated. This was among a wide range of suggested changes, received from interested organisations and individuals, which have been examined. Some of these need further consideration and they will be among the issues for the longer-term independent study referred to below.

The code is now being printed and will be publicised by the industries early in the new year. The industries are publicising the code in a campaign of advertisements of their easier payment methods in the national press over the next few months. Further publicity is planned in advertisements to be placed in specialised journals circulating among social workers and welfare organisations. Copies of the code will also be widely available through gas and electricity showrooms and offices and a number of other outlets.

The terms of reference for a further, more detailed study by an independent research organisation of the content and operation of the code that I announced on 1st August—[Vol. 955, c. 297]—have also been agreed. This study, which is jointly sponsored by the industries and the consumer councils, will start shortly. The aim is to complete it in as short a time as possible with a view to adopting any agreed recommendations for further changes to the code in due course.