HC Deb 25 April 1978 vol 948 cc528-9W
Mr. Kenneth Clarke

asked the Secretary of State for Industry how many industrial development certificates issued in the East Midlands in the last two years have contained conditions restricting the occupation of the new industrial premises to firms already occupying premises in the immediate locality; and what is the Government's policy in respect of such conditions.

Mr. Cryer

In the two years 1976 and 1977, a total of 451 industrial development certificates were issued in the East Midlands Region, of which about 25 involved conditions about the origins of the occupiers of the new premises.

Industrial development certificates for new industrial premises outside the assisted areas, whose occupiers are not known at the time that the certificate is sought, are normally only granted to local authorities for re-housing local firms, to new and expanding towns, for the replacement of empty obsolete factories in urban areas, and, more recently, within the partnership areas of London and Birmingham.

Such certificates have a condition attached to them, which limits the origins of firms occupying the new premises, in order that the object of the development will be fulfilled and that the premises will not be used for projects which might be suitable for the assisted areas.