HC Deb 21 April 1978 vol 948 cc388-9W
Mr. Wells

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what representations he has received from the National Farmers' Union about social security contributions on behalf of casual workers in the fruit harvesting areas of England and Wales.

Mr. John Silkin

Representatives of the National Farmers' Union discussed this matter yesterday with my officials and those of other Departments involved. The NFU representatives expressed the concern felt by some growers that rumoured changes in the arrangements for collecting income tax and social security payments might be impossible to implement when workers, sometimes in large numbers, were employed for short periods on a very casual basis. Officials explained that there was no change in the arrangements which had been agreed for such situations, and offered to look into any individual cases of unexpected difficulty. It was agreed that the NFU, in collaboration with the Departments concerned, would send a circular to its members about existing arrangements and recommended any grower doubtful about his position to consult his local tax or social security office in advance.