HC Deb 19 April 1978 vol 948 cc144-7W
Mrs. Sally Oppenheim

asked the Secretary of State for Prices and Consume: Protection (1) if he will list in the Official Report the prices of the following goods in February 1974 and in April 1978: portion of fish and chips; car insurance for average family car; pre-recorded popular cassette tape, average price; dry cleaning charges, average price; hairdressing, average price; men's shoes, average price: and laundry charges, average price;

(2) if he will list in the Official Report the price of the following goods in February 1974 and in April 1978: man's shirt, average price; woman's summer dresses, average price; pair of women's shoes, average price; medium-priced refrigerator, average price; medium-priced gas cooker, average price; medium-priced vacuum cleaner, average price; gift wrapping paper, average price; battery for average family car; child's shirt, average price; child's long trousers, average price; child's underwear, average price; child's shoes, average price; child's coat, average price; cinema tickets; and 5,000-mile service for average family car;

(3) if he will list in the Official Report the price of the following goods in February 1974 and in April 1978: curtain white cleaner; window cleaner; night-time disposable nappies; nappy holders; coloured tissues; razor blades; family shampoo; a twin pack lavatory roll; lather shaving cream; a child's toothbrush; Alka Seltzer; a tube of Germolene; a driving licence; a pint of beer; a Mini 850 c.c. car; and half-ounce TCP ointment.

(4) if he will list in the Official Report the price of the following goods in February 1974 and in April 1978: tin of hand cream, average price; Brillo Clearway; Handy Andy; flykiller lantern for a mini space; shoelaces; kitchen roll, average price; small lavatory cleaner; matches; metal and silver cleaner; Three-in-one oil; paraffin; shoe polish; Sunlight soap; spot remover; and spray starch;

(5) if he will list in the Official Report the price of the following goods in February 1974 and in April 1978: magazines, average price; cigarettes, average prices; television licence; Airwick rapid aerosols; ammonia; Zebrite blacklead; Reckitts blue; 12 white candles; four ¼-oz. One Step car polish; six Jay-cloths; a 60w bulb; fabric softener; white firelighters; tile polish; and wrap foil paper;

(6) if he will list in the Official Report the price of the following goods in February 1974 and in April 1978: vinegar; dried yeast; cola; a chocolate bar, average price; glucose; electricity prices, average price; gas prices, average price; rail fares, average price; bus fares, average price; letter postage rates; telephone calls, local and long-distance; water rates, average prices; domestic rates, average prices; car tax; and newspapers, average prices;

(7) if he will list in the Official Report the price of the following goods in February 1974 and in April 1978: powdered soup; tinned spaghetti; sandwich spread; suet; stuffings; golden syrup; tomato puree; canned asparagus; canned broad beans; canned butter beans; canned carrots; canned celery; canned corn; canned mixed vegetables; and canned garden peas;

(8) if he will list in the Official Report the price of the following goods in February 1974 and in April 1978: mustard; peanuts; cashew nuts; liver paté, average price; dried peas; white pepper; black pepper; Kit-e-Kat; pickle; crisps, average price; canned sponge puddings, average price; risotto; salad cream; tomato ketchup; and prepacked curry meal;

(9) if he will list in the Official Report the price of the following goods in February 1974 and in April 1978: frozen broccoli; frozen sprouts; frozen spinach; canned apple sauce; canned gooseberries; canned rhubarb; canned strawberries; gravy mix; horseradish sauce; jam, average price; jelly crystals; lemonade crystals; lemon curd; margarine, average price; stock cubes; Oval-tine; semolina pudding; and mint sauce;

(10) if he will list in the Official Report the price of the following goods in February 1974 and in April 1978: frozen cream; frozen cod; frozen hake; frozen raspberries; frozen fruit juice; ice cream, average price; frozen chicken and mushroom pie; frozen lamb casserole; frozen roast beef dinner; frozen roast chicken dinner; frozen shepherds pie; frozen skinless sausages; frozen chocolate mousse; frozen pet food, average price; frozen chicken and mushroom pie; frozen sausage rolls; and frozen Cornish pasties;

(11) if he will list in the Official Report the price of the following goods in February 1974 and in April 1978: cream crackers, average price; cornflakes; Philadelphia cream cheese; drinking chocolate; chutney, average price; cornflour, average price; tinned cream, average price; custard powder; Instant Whip; canned cod roe; canned herrings; canned kippers; canned pilchards; canned mackerel; and flour;

(12) if he will list in the Official Report the price of the following goods in February 1974 and in April 1978: fresh herrings, kippers; large loaf of bread; eating apples; cooking apples; pint of milk; butter; cheddar cheese; sugar; instant coffee; tea; baking powder; babies' rusks; baked beans; and biscuits, average price.

Mr. MacLennan

Average retail price in February 1974 for those items for which price information is normally published are available in theDepartment of Employment Gazette Volume LXXXII, No. 4. The corresponding information for April 1978 is not yet available. Prices or changes for other items for

February 1974 April 1978
Driving licence £1.00 for 3 years £5.00 until holder is 70 years of age
Television licence
Colour £12.00 per annum £21.00 per annum
Monochrome £7.00 per annum £9.00 per annum
Letter postal rates
1st class 4½p 9p
2nd class 3½p 7p
Private telephone calls
Local (standard rate) 1p for 3 minutes 3p for 3 minutes
Over 35 miles (standard rate) 1p for 10 seconds 3p for 15 seconds
Road Fund licence
Motor car (private) £25 per annum £50 per annum

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