HL Deb 17 April 1978 vol 390 cc971-2WA

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What action has been taken by the Commission of the EEC following the receipt of the unanimous resolution on the health hazards of asbestos (after study and discussion of the report of the Committee on Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection) passed by the European Parliament on the 9th January 1978.


I am informed that the Commission of the EEC is at present considering what action remains to be taken on the resolution on the health hazard of asbestos adopted by the European Parliament. However, several of the matters raised in the resolution already form the basis of a Commission proposal for a Directive which is currently being considered by an expert working group and include a ban on the use of crocidolite (blue) asbestos, with limited exceptions, and also on the use of other types of asbestos for certain specific purposes.

Also, the Community's Advisory Committee for Safety Hygiene and Health Protection at Work are engaged in preparing an Action Programme on Asbestos to help the Commission to decide on the priorities of action to be taken to reduce the risk to persons within the Community from asbestos. This matter is on the agenda for a meeting this month in Luxembourg. The Commission has submitted its own draft action programme, covering general health and safety matters including asbestos, to Council and this is being actively discussed at Council working group level. This will provide a framework for any further work on asbestos.

House adjourned at half past seven o'clock.