HC Deb 07 April 1978 vol 947 cc245-6W
Mr. Charles Irving

asked the Secretary of State for Energy how the overseas contracts for reprocessing fuel at the proposed

Date established Title Function
October 1974 Advisory Council on Energy Conservation To advise and assist the Secretary of State for Energy in carrying out his duty of promoting economy and efficiency in the use and consumption of energy, in particular by:
(a) identifying fields in which improvements in energy use can be achieved;
(b) advising on the means of realising such improvements;
(c) stimulating and maintaining public interest in energy conservation with a view to the widespread adoption of more efficient practices; and
(d) reviewing progress made.
2nd December 1974 Committee of Inquiry To examine the structure of the electricity supply industry in England and Wales and to report to the Secretary of State for Energy.
February 1975 Advisory Committee on Fixed offshore Installations (i) To advise the Secretary of State for Energy on matters related to the Department's statutory safety responsibilities in connection with the design, construction, certification and performance of fixed offshore installations;
(ii) To consider the whole offshore engineering scene, including developing technology, and to advise the Department of Energy on steps to be taken to promote participation by British industry.
(iii) To establish ad hoc technical working groups on specific matters as may be required by the Committee to discharge its functions, provided that where such groups are thought necessary liaison is established with other bodies, groups or committees to avoid duplication of activity; and
(iv) To provide advice to the Department of Energy on such other specific problems relevant to fixed offshore installations as are referred to the Committee.

plant would be affected if the reprocessed plutonium had to be irradiated to prevent its easy conversion into nuclear weapons before it was returned to its country of origin, given that to achieve this fuel fabrication plants and irradiating facilities would have to be built in addition to the enlarged THORP.

Mr. Eadie

I am advised that the proposed contracts would not be affected if a decision were taken to return plutonium as slightly irradiated fuel elements.

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