HC Deb 04 April 1978 vol 947 cc99-101W
Mr. Pavitt

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services if he will publish in the Official Report the waiting time for each speciality at Central Middlesex, Northwick Park and Wembley hospitals

Northwick Park Hospital (31st December 1977) Wembley Hospital (March 1978) Central Middlesex Hospital (March 1978)
General Medicine 1–8 weeks 3–4 weeks 1–2 weeks
General Surgery 3–43 weeks 3–4 weeks 1–2 weeks
Urology 2–15 weeks
Leg Ulcers 2 weeks
Varicose Veins 4 weeks
Paediatrics 1–4 weeks 1 week 1–2 weeks
Orthopaedics 23–44 weeks 7 weeks 2–12 weeks
Chest Diseases 1 week 1–2 weeks
Dermatology 4–14 weeks 4 weeks 1–2 weeks
Neurology 1 month-1 year 5–12 weeks
Neurosurgery 1 week 1 week
Physical Medicine 2–8 weeks 2–8 week 4 weeks
Rheumatology 1 week
Geriatrics 1 week 1 week
Ear, Nose and Throat 28–33 weeks 6 weeks 2–12 weeks
Ophthalmology 1–25 weeks 8 weeks
Radiotherapy 1 week 1 week
Plastic Surgery 2 weeks 2 weeks
Dental Surgery 4 weeks 4 weeks
Orthodontics 11 weeks 5 weeks
Gynaecology 21–24 weeks 4 weeks 2–7 weeks
Obstetrics/Ante Natal Clinic 6 weeks 1 week
Psychiatry 2–4 weeks 3–4 weeks 2–4 weeks
Mental Handicap 2 weeks 2 weeks
Special Clinic Nil
— Means there is no consultant in this specialty at the hospital.

services, central administration and devolved administration.

Mr. Moyle

Set out below are details of the total cost of health and personal social services—England—for the year ended 31st March 1977—the latest period for which figures are available—for the various categories specified:

for a non-urgent appointment as an outpatient.

Mr. Roland Moyle

The waiting time will depend on the consultant to whom the patient is referred and the condition of the patient. The range of estimated waiting times is:

Mr. Pavitt

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services if he will publish in the Official Report the waiting time in each speciality at Central Middlesex, Northwick Park and Wembley hospitals between the decision taken for admission as an in-patient and the date of admission.

Mr. Moyle

My reply to my hon. Friend's Question on 18th May 1977 was based on a special survey. Up-to-date figures are not readily available and cannot be obtained without disproportionate cost.—[Vol. 932, cc.178–80.]