HC Deb 28 November 1977 vol 940 cc1-2W
44. Mr. Pardoe

asked the Secretary of State for Trade what representations he has received about the three tourism development projects initiated by his Department; and if he is satisfied with progress so far.

Mr. Clinton Davis

The working parties in each area have sought and received many comments. Subject to a planning inquiry in Scarborough, the responses have been sufficiently encouraging to allow the working parties to proceed to the next stage of preparing the draft plan, taking into account the representations received.

Mr. Kilroy-Silk

asked the Secretary of State for Trade why the Wales and Scottish Tourist Boards, together, are to receive more money than England in 1977–78 in the form of selective tourist project assistance.

Mr. Dell

As with total tourism budgets, the allocation of funds for selective tourist project assistance in Scotland and Wales is a matter for, respectively, my right hon. Friends the Secretaries of State for Scotland and Wales. These are not, therefore, determined centrally, but allocated having regard to the overall economic needs and potential of the country concerned.

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