§ Real economy
- CEGS—Current Expenditure on Goods and Services.
- GDFCF—Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation.
- GDP—Gross Domestic Product.
- GNP—Gross National Product.
- PDI—Personal Disposable Income.
- RNDI—Real National Disposable Income.
- RPDI—Real Personal Disposable Income.
§ Monetary
- CGBR—Central Government Borrowing Requirement.
- DCE—Domestic Credit Expansion.
- EMU—European and Monetary Union (European Community).
- EUA—European Unit of Account (European Community).
- IBELS—Interest Bearing Eligible Liabilities (of banks).
- IPD—Interest, profits and dividends.
- M3—The broader measure of the money supply; briefly, cash plus bank deposits by United Kingdom residents.
- M1—The narrower measure of the money supply; limited to cash plus sight deposits.
- £M3—Sterling M3—excludes United Kingdom residents' deposits in other currencies.
- MLR—Minimum Lending Rate.
- PSBR—Pubic Sector Borrowing Requirement.
- SDRs—Special Drawing Rights (at the IMF).
- UA—Unit of Account.
§ Prices and Earnings
- FES—Family Expenditure Survey
- NES—New Earnings Survey.
- WPI—Wholesale Price Index.
- RPI—Retail Price Index.
§ Taxation, etc.
- ACT—Advance Corporation Tax.
- CGT—Capital Gains Tax.
- CT—Corporation Tax.
- CTA—Child Tax Allowance.
- CTT—Capital Transfer Tax.
- NIC—National Insurance Contribution.
- NIS—National Insurance Surcharge.
- PAYE—Pay-As-You-Earn (income Tax Schedule E).
- VAT—Value Added Tax.
§ Organisations
- BIS—Bank for International Settlements.
- BNOC—British National Oil Corporation.
- BP—British Petroleum Limited.
- BR—British Rail.
- BSC—British Steel Corporation.
- CAA—Civil Aviation Authority.
- CBI—Confederation of British Industry.
- CSO—Central Statistical Office.
- ECGD—Export Credits Guarantees Department.
- EEC—European Economic Community.
- EIB—European Investment Bank.
- IBRD—International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
- IMF—International Monetary Fund.
- NCB—National Coal Board.
- NEB—National Enterprise Board.
- NEDC—National Economic Development Council.
- NEDO—National Economic Development Office.
- NSB—National Savings Banks.
- OECD—Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development—includes industrialised countries and advanced primary producing countries.
- Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries.
- PWLB—Public Works Loan Board.
- TSB—Trustee Savings Banks.
- TUC—Trades Union Congress.
§ Other
- CAP—Common Agricultural Policy.
- FIS—Financial Information System
- FSBR—Financial Statement and Budget Report.
- LDCs—Less Developed Countries.
- NLF—National Loans Fund.
- PES—Public Expenditure Survey.
- RSG—Rate Support Grant (to local authorities.
- SIC—Standard Industrial Classification.
- SITC—Standard Industrial Trade Classification.