HC Deb 17 November 1977 vol 939 cc360-4W
Mr. Ralph Howell

asked the Minister for the Civil Service if he will bring up to date the table of Civil Service staff given in his reply to the hon. Member for Melton (Mr. Latham) on 24th January 1977, Official Report, columns 387–8, showing how many staff were in post at 1st March 1974, 1st March 1977 and at the latest date for which the figures are available; and if he will outline the legislative or policy reasons for the manpower changes involved.

Mr. Charles R. Morris

The number of staff in post by Department on 1st March 1974, on 1st April 1977—the date nearest 1st March 1977 for which figures are available—and 1st July 1977—the most recent figures—is shown in the table below.

In my reply to the hon. Member for Melton (Mr. Latham) on 24th January 1977 I outlined the reasons for the main changes in manpower numbers up to 1st October 1976. The main changes between 1st October 1976 and 1st July 1977 took place in Inland Revenue—+2,700—to cope with increases in work due to inflation and with the introduction of child benefits; in the Department of Employment Group—+2,000—to deal with increased work due to the level of unemployment, expansion of work on vocational training and under the Health and Safety at Work Act; in the Department of Health and Social Security—+2,100—primarily to cope with a greater number of claims for supplementary benefits as a result of rising unemployment and extra staff required with the introduction of child benefits; and in the Ministry of Defence—8,400—as a result of the continued rundown in accordance with the defence review and subsequent cuts in defence expenditure as forecast in the defence White Paper (Cmnd. 6432).

Staff in Post at 1st March 1974 Staff in Post at 1st April 1977 Staff in Post at 1st July 1977
Department Non-Industrials Industrials Total Non-Industrials Industrials Total Non-Industrials Industrials Total
Cabinet Office 599 599 658 658 647 647
Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (l) 14,328 1,133 15,461 14,358 1,156 15,514 13,755 1,154 14,909
HM Treasury 997 997 1,095 1,095 1,082 1,082
HM Customs and Excise 24,932 24,932 29,346 29,346 29,061 29,061
Inland Revenue 69,659 33 69,692 83,859 27 83,886 83,886 27 83,913
Department for National Savings 13,435 132 13,567 12,108 96 12,204 11,664 98 11,762
Department of Education and Science (2) 3,858 83 3,941 3,896 101 3,997 3,830 98 3,928
Department of Employment (3) 32,080 1,577 33,657 50,493 1,959 52,452 50,334 1,975 52,309
Department of Energy 1,364 82 1,446 1,303 12 1,315 1,264 10 1,274
Department of the Environment (4) 42,034 27,480 69,514 32,157 25,205 57,362 31,013 24,538 55,551
Department of Transport (5) 13,072 526 13,598 13,857 751 14,608
Ordnance Survey 4,151 371 4,522 3,835 312 4,147 3,759 296 4,055
Foreign and Commonwealth Office 9,967 250 10,217 9,788 241 10,029 9,693 24! 9,934
Ministry of Overseas Development 2,123 48 2,171 2,299 58 2,357 2,285 55 2,340
Home Office 24,858 3,652 28,510 28,962 3,676 32,638 28,832 3,698 32,530
Lord Chancellor's Office and Courts etc. 9,428 9,428 10,042 10,042 10,007 10,007
Land Registry 4,838 5 4,843 4,935 6 4,941 4,934 6 4,940
Civil Service Department 3,492 1,601 5,093 3,549 1,509 5,058 3,446 1,504 4,950
Central Office of Information 1,188 63 1,251 1,229 59 1,288 1,205 57 1,262
HM Stationery Office 3,142 4,037 7,179 3,274 3,945 7,219 3,237 3,896 7,133
Scottish Office 9,052 755 9,807 9,812 701 10,513 9,757 688 10,455
Scottish Courts Administration etc. 731 4 735 767 5 772 772 5 777
Department of Health and Social Security 82,331 209 82,540 95,398 262 95,660 95,632 262 95,894
Office of Population, Censuses and Surveys 2,706 18 2,724 2,580 26 2,606 2,537 26 2,563

Staff in Post at 1st March 1974 Staff in Post at 1st April 1977 Staff in Post at 1st July 1977
Department Non-Industrials Industrials Total Non-Industrials Industrials Total Non-Industrials Industrials Total
Department of Trade (6) 16,550 805 17,355 7,674 46 7,720 7,538 45 7,583
Department of Industry (6) 8,988 737 9,725 8,957 720 9,677
Department of Prices and Consumer Protection (6) 357 357 335 335
Export Credits Guarantee Department 1,642 1,642 1,965 1,965 1,988 1,988
Welsh Office 1,901 2 1,093 1,563 2 1,565 1,539 2 1,541
Ministry of Defence (7) 128,535 139,231 267,766 125,886 132,777 258,663 124,271 131,095 255,366
All other Departments 5,548 829 6,377 5,882 976 6,858 6,328 1,008 7,336
TOTAL 514,659 182,400 697,059 571,130 174,420 745,550 567,445 172,255 739,700

Notes: All figures include part-time staff counted as one half.

(1) Includes staff of the Intervention Board for Agricultural Produce.

(2) Includes staff of the Victoria and Albert and Science Museum.

(3) Includes in 1977 figures the staff of the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service, the Health and Safety Executive, the Manpower Services Commission and its Agencies.

(4) Includes staff of the Property Services Agency.

(5) The Department of Transport came into being on 8th November 1976.

(6) These 3 Departments formed the Department of Trade and Industry at 1st March 1974 (7) Includes staff of the Royal Ordnance Factories.