§ 34. Mr. John H. Osbornasked the Secretary of State for Energy what has been the tonnage and the value of coal exported to date in 1977; what has been the corresponding amount imported by category and in total; and how this compares with each of the previous years.
§ Mr. EadieThe answer is following:
There is a wide range of prices both for imports and home production. Thus in the first nine months of this year Customs returns show that monthly average values of imports varied between £37.7 and £51.7 per ton. NCB current list prices at the pit head vary between £31.4 and £42.9 per ton.
I understand that production from the new Betws mine will make a significant contribution in 1978 and that as this builds up, and other deep-mined developments reach maximum output, and providing new opencast sites can be brought 17W into operation as planned, the need for imports in the longer term should be all but eliminated.
§ Mr. Rostasked the Secretary of State for Energy if the Coal Board plans to import coal, other than anthracite.