HL Deb 26 May 1977 vol 383 cc1550-2WA

asked Her Majesty's Government:

  1. (i) which of the proposals contained in the Shackleton Report on the Falkland Islands, concerning technical co-operation and capital expenditure (referred to at col. 261 on 20th April 1977) the Minister for Overseas Development is willing to investigate, when 1551 such investigations are likely to begin and what form they will take;
  2. (ii)when the feasibility studies on various proposed projects within the Falkland Islands, for improved internal communications, schools and local industries, are to be set up by the Minister for Overseas Development referred to at col. 262 on the same date, and when the results of such feasibility studies are expected; and
  3. (iii) who is to be appointed as Fiscal Adviser for the Falkland Islands and how long his term of office is to be.


Developments in the most important fields covered by Lord Shackleton's Report, fisheries, oil and tourism, will be dependent on establishing a framework of political and economic co-operation with Argentina; and the possible extension of the airport can only be investigated if and when such cooperation is achieved.

Work on the new jetty project has already started and is likely to take about one year. A proposal from the Falkland Islands Government for a new school hostel in Stanley is at present being considered by advisers in the Ministry of Overseas Development. Work is unlikely to start until further investigations have been carried out and labour in the Islands becomes available. The project application for radio communications is also being examined by the appropriate advisers.

Of the remaining proposals which involve technical co-operation, my right honourable friend the Minister for Overseas Development is prepared to investigate ways of improving internal communications by land, sea and air and the Falkland Islands Government are at present considering the terms of reference for such a study. It would cover their own proposal for a road linking the capital, Stanley, with the settlement at Darwin. It is envisaged that a team of two or three experts will start work within the next three months, with their results being available early in 1978.

It has been suggested to the Falkland Islands Government that the Ministry of Overseas Development would be prepared to set up feasibility studies into sheepskin processing, mutton freezing, horticultural development and local television using cassette tapes, and their views on these proposals are awaited.

Mr. Trevor Pepper took up his duties as Fiscal Adviser to the Falkland Islands Government on 6th May and his appointment will continue in the first instance until 22nd August.