HL Deb 23 May 1977 vol 383 c1157WA

asked Her Majesty's Government:

How much public money is currently spent (or is planned to be spent) on research and development into energy derived from: (a) the wind; (b) the waves; (c) flat plate solar heat collectors; (d) photo-voltaic cells; (e) photo-biological methods; (f) photochemical devices; and what proportion this represents of total expenditure on research and development of all forms of energy.


(a) On wind power the Government are considering an assessment study by the Department of Energy's Energy Technology Support Unit and its implications for R & D spend.

(b) On wave energy the planned spend is £2.5 million over two and a half years.

(c) On solar water and space heating the planned spend is about £3.5 million over four years.

(d) and (e) On photochemistry and photobiology the planned spend is about £1 million over four years.

(f) On photovoltaic conversion the planned spend is also about £1 million over four years.

The total planned rate of spend on these forms of energy in programmes announced to date amounts to about 1½ per cent. of the total public expenditure on R & D on all forms of energy. These figures do not include the United Kingdom contribution to EEC programmes on solar energy.