HC Deb 29 March 1977 vol 929 c94W
38. Mr. Hardy

asked the Secretary of State for Employment what vacancies for skilled workers are currently available in the county of South Yorkshire at the latest available date and three years earlier.

Mr. Golding

This Department's vacancy statistics do not provide comprehensive occupational analyses on a skill basis. However, separate figures are now compiled, for counties and larger areas, showing the numbers of unfilled vacancies in six broad groups, one of which is craft and similar occupations, including foremen in occupations associated with processing, production, repairing, etc. This group will include many but by no means all skilled occupations. At September 1976, the latest date for which information is available, there were 1,061 unfilled vacancies in this group notified to employment offices in the South Yorkshire Metropolitan County. This figure relates only to notified vacancies and is not a measure of total vacancies. Similar information is not available for earlier dates.