HC Deb 28 March 1977 vol 929 cc79-82W
Mr. Spearing

asked the Secretary of State for Employment if he is satisfied with the present arrangements for employment of skilled and experienced instructors in the Job Creation Programme; and if he will review their terms and conditions of service.

Mr. Golding

Yes. Sponsors of projects under the Job Creation Programme make every effort to recruit suitably experienced supervisors and skilled workers according to the needs of the project and the employees, and the Employment Services Agency and the careers service give every possible assistance. The terms and conditions of service of all JCP employees are currently being reviewed by the Manpower Services Commission.

Mr. Spearing

asked the Secretary of State for Employment what plans he has

Sponsor Details of Project MSC Grant
Chistchurch Borough Council Environmental improvements to fire damaged areas 4,708
West Hampshire Water Company Assistance in Water Purification Scheme 1,578

Mr. Silvester

asked the Secretary of State for Employment whether he approved the decision to limit employment on any job creation project to 52 weeks; and whether he has received representations against its operation.

Mr. Golding

Yes. My right hon. Friend is empowered by Section 5(1) of the Employment and Training Act 1973, as amended by Schedule 14 to the Employment Protection Act 1975, to make appropriate arrangements for the provision of temporary employment for unemployed people. "Temporary" in this context has been interpreted as a maximum of a year in order to maximise the number of people who can benefit from the Job Creation Programme.

Very exceptionally, when a supervisor or skilled worker is essential to the continuation of the project, he may be employed for a longer period, but the maximum should be two years. Sponsors must obtain the agreement of the area

for the employment of suitably skilled and experienced instructors of pensionable age as part-time employees of the Job Creation Programme; and what scope he can see in the programme for persons of this description.

Mr. Golding

As the job creation programme is intended to provide temporary full-time employment opportunities for unemployed people there is no scope for employing retired workers on a part-time basis.

Mr. Adley

asked the Secretary of State for Employment if he will list the projects undertaken under the Job Creation Programme in the Christchurch and Lymington parliamentary constituency; and what has been the cost of each project to public funds.

Mr. Golding

I am informed by the Manpower Services Commission that the information is as follows:

action committee to any such proposed extension of employment beyond 12 months. A number of representations about this limit have been received and will be taken into account by the Manpower Services Commission, which is currently considering the long-term rôle of job creation.

Mr. Silvester

asked the Secretary of State for Employment why it has been necessary to restrict by successive stages the length of the period of permitted employment on job creation projects.

Mr. Golding

There has been no restriction by successive stages of the permitted period of employment on Job Creation Programme projects. A small number of employees were given contracts for periods in excess of one year in the early months of the programme, but since then the limit of one year has applied. Very exceptionally, when a supervisor or skilled worker is essential to the continuation of the project, he may be employed for a longer period but the maximum should be two years. Sponsors must obtain the agreement of the area action committee to any such proposed extension of employment beyond 12 months.

Mr. George Grant

asked the Secretary of State for Employment if he will list in the Official Report projects approved to date in Northumberland under the Job Creation Programme, giving the sponsor and the number of jobs created.

Mr. Golding

, pursuant to his reply [Official Report, 22nd March 1977; Vol. 928, c. 505], gave the following information:

I am informed by the Manpower Services Commission that the information is as follows:

Sponsor, Project and Number of Job
Alnwick District Council: Environmental improvements 7
The National Trust: Conservation work on the Northumberland coastline 12
Alnwick District Council: Statistical work relating to facilities in caravan sites 4
Alnwick District Council: Survey of housing stock 4
The National Trust: Clearing of footpaths and preparation of sites for car parks 10
Borough of Berwick upon Tweed (2 projects): General housing survey 8
Borough of Berwick upon Tweed (3 projects): Environmental improvements 18
The National Trust: Assistance in prevention of coastal erosion and provision of tourist facilities 12
St. Cuthbert's School Playgroup: Provision of playgroup facilities for pre-school children 3
Blyth Valley Borough Council: Recreational and amenity development scheme 30
Blyth Valley Borough Council: Housing survey 10
Blyth Valley Council For Voluntary Service: Assistance in liaison with voluntary organizations 2
Wansbeck District Council (2 projects): Clearance of River Blyth and River Wansbeck 20
Blyth Valley Borough Council: Sorting and collating of planning records 1
Blyth Valley Borough Council: Compilation of property records of land and property owned by the local authority 1
Blyth Valley Borough Council: Survey of allotment sites 2
Blyth Valley Borough Council: Compilation of highway records relating to provision of road signs and street lighting 3
Blyth Valley Borough Council: Environmental improvements to derelict sites, disused buildings and repair of sea wall 19
Blyth Valley Borough Council: Sorting and collating of personnel records 2
Blyth Valley Borough Council: Update records of sewers to provide information for planners and engineers 2
Blyth Valley Borough Council: Labour market research project 1
St. Mary's Church: Painting and minor repairs at church halls 10
Castle Morpeth Borough Council (2 projects): Landscaping scheme 12
Castle Morpeth Borough Council: Clearance of footpaths 8
Castle Morpeth Borough Council: Clearance of culverts and streams 4
Northumberland County Council: Updating of records at the Central Library 2
The National Trust: Forestry, gardening and drainage work in woodland areas 7
Northumberland County Council: Cataloguing and indexing of library resources 10
Northumberland County Council: Day care assistance in Social Services Department 2
Mrs. M. Lawley: Creation of a small English cottage garden 6
Y.M.C.A. Morpeth: Ancillary help for young people and other community work 2
The National Trust: Creation of footpaths and car parks 10
Northumberland Area Health Authority: Workers to visit and assist residents at home for the mentally handicapped 3
Northumberland County Council (3 projects): Assistance for elderly and disabled people at day center 6
University of Newcastle upon Tyne: Improvements at botanic gardens 2
Tynedale District Council (2 projects): Development of tourist and amenity areas 9
Boys Brigade: Renovation of house and landscaping of gardens 3
Tynedale District Council: Survey of business and commercial premises and indexing work 3
Tynedale District Council: Ancillary work at tourist information centre 3
Task Force North: Conservation and archaeological excavation work in Roman settlement 16
National Farmers' Union: Repair drystone walls in Hadrian's Wall area 10
Tynedale District Council (2 projects): Ancillary work at tourist information centers 3
Newcastle University: Improvements to botanic gardens 2
Wansbeck District Council: Landscaping of park 10
Wansbeck District Council: Survey of council houses 10
Wansbeck District Council: Creation of scenic walk along river bank 10
Wansbeck District Council: Organisation of summer play schemes 9
Wansbeck District Council: Organisation of recreational activities for young people 14
Wansbeck District Council: Summer play leadership schemes 18
Wansbeck District Council: Survey to assess availability of car-parking facilities and also a survey to assess the need for pedestrian crossings 3