HC Deb 18 March 1977 vol 928 cc332-3W
Miss Richardson

asked the Minister for the Civil Service what is the number of Government Departments currently fulfilling their quota obligations to employ disabled people and the percentage disabled people form of each Department's work force.

Mr. Charles R. Morris

Three of the major Departments listed below and eight smaller Departments—with less than 1,000 staff—are currently fulfilling their quota obligations to employ disabled people. Details of the percentage disabled people form of each Department's work force are given in the table below. The figures relate, however, to those disabled people who are known to be registered. Registration is voluntary, and many disabled employees choose not to register. Likewise, there is no obligation to disclose registration to an employer.

Departments %
Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Ministry of 2.9
Civil Service Department (including Parliamentary Counsel and Civil Service College) 1.4
Customs and Excise 1.7
Defence (including Procurement Executive) 2.3
Royal Ordnance Factories 2.0
Education and Science (including UGC and V and A and Science Museums) 2.0
Employment Group 3.0
Energy 1.6
Environment (including Property Services Agency) 1.8
Export Credits Guarantee Department 1.4
Foreign and Commonwealth 2.2
Health and Social Security 2.1
Home Office 0.8
Industry 1.8
Information, Central Office of 2.1
Inland Revenue 1.9
Land Registry 1.8
Lord Chancellor's Office and Courts, etc. 1.6
Mint, Royal 4.3
National Savings, Department for 2.4
Ordnance Survey 2.3
Overseas Development 2.0
Population Censuses and Surveys, Office of 2.5
Stationery Office, HM 3.0
Trade 2.1
Treasury (including Treasury sub-departments) 1.4
Scottish Office (excluding Scottish Prison Service, State Hospital, Carstairs and Royal Scottish Museum) 1.8
Scottish Prison Service 0.3
Welsh Office 2.5
Other Departments (less than 1,000 staff) 2.01

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