HC Deb 15 June 1977 vol 933 cc191-2W
Mr. Ashley

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services on what grounds he stated, in answer to a recent parliamentary Question, that it was not practicable to collect information centrally about iron lungs; and if he will now make arrangements to collate this information and ensure that the supply and condition of this medical equipment is adequate.

Mr. Alfred Morris

As my hon. Friend will note, in my reply on 25th April—[Vol. 930, c.262]—I said that it was not practicable to collect the information centrally as a matter of routine. I have in fact had an ad hoc investigation carried out and the information now available to me is as follows:

Number of iron lungs in use: 33 (including 23 under the control of the Phipps Unit at South Western Hospital).

Number of usable iron lungs not in use: 28 (including one for a child).

Number of iron lungs needing repair: 23 (including two for children).

My Department has passed on this information to Dr. Geoffrey Spencer, consultant in charge of the Phipps Unit, in

Region Number of Speech Therapists in post at 30th September 1975 (whole time equivalent) Long-term Target Number of Speech Therapists based on the Quirk Report recommendations (whole time equivalent)
Northern 47 144
Yorkshire 66 164
Trent 83 209
East Anglia 25 83
North West Thames 60 159
North East Thames 89 170
South East Thames 80 164
South West Thames 65 132
Wessex 42 122
Oxford 73 102
Southwestern 45 146
West Midlands 82 237
Mersey 42 115
Northwestern 61 187
England Total 860 2,134

view of his close interest in this matter. He and my officials are now in contact about the results of the investigation. My advisers are of the opinion that no further action is needed to obtain additional iron lungs in view of the number of usable ones now available, and bearing in mind other available methods of providing assisted ventilation of patients in the acute stage. But, as distribution of iron lungs is uneven as between regions, my Department will be suggesting to regional authorities ways of ensuring that each region has at least one machine in reserve.