HL Deb 27 July 1977 vol 386 c1115WA

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they will make arrangements to collect statistics from selected schools in different parts of the country showing the numbers of children who have not been immunised against diphtheria, poliomyelitis, whooping cough and tetanus, on their first school entry in September, so as to identify areas of special risk.


The noble Lord will be aware from my written reply of 18th July that the number of children vaccinated since 1974 will be available by health regions and health areas. Area Health Authorities, who are responsible for vaccination and immunisation programmes, are therefore able to monitor the position in their areas and to take action to improve take-up rates as necessary.

It is the normal practice at the school entrant's medical examination to collect information about the child's immunisation state and to offer appropriate prophylaxis to those not fully immunised. The central collection of statistics of the kind suggested would not therefore enable us to identify or deal more satisfactorily with areas of special risk.

OFFICIAL REPORT Volume 386 columns 169–170.