HC Deb 12 July 1977 vol 935 cc122-3W
Mr. Kilfedder

asked the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what was the total labour force, showing medical staff and non-medical staff separately, at the Royal Victoria Hospital every year from 1970 to 1976; and how many patients were at the hospital in the same years.

Mr. Carter

The information is as follows:

Hospital for the short-listing, interviewing and appointment of new staff and of staff for promotion.

Mr. Carter

The arrangements at the Royal Victoria Hospital for the interviewing of applicants for appointment and for promotion are strictly in accordance with the standard selection and appointment procedures for staff in the health and social services. These procedures were drawn up, after consultation with management and staff interests, by the Northern Ireland Staffs Council for the Health and Social Services, approved by the Department of Health and Social Services and formally adopted by the Eastern Health and Social Services Board which is responsible for the administration of the Royal Victoria Hospital in February 1975. I am satisfied with these procedures, which are designed specifically to ensure that the selection and appointment of officeds is made on a fair and equitable basis.

Mr. Kilfedder

asked the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland how many Protestants who were employed at the Royal Victoria Hospital in January 1975 have since been forced to leave their employment because of discrimination.

Mr. Carter

As a matter of policy the religious affiliations of staff employed in the health and personal social services are not recorded, and the information requested is, therefore, not available. The Eastern Health and Social Services Board has no record of any employee being compelled to leave the Royal Victoria Hospital because of discrimination.

Mr. Kilfedder

asked the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland whether he is satisfied that everything possible is being done to ensure that there is no discrimination against Protestants employed at the Royal Victoria Hospital.

Mr. Carter

Yes. In accordance with the code of employment procedure, adopted by all health and personal social services employing authorities, the Eastern Health and Social Services Board, which is responsible for the administration of the Royal Victoria Hospital, has recorded an affirmation of its policy to provide equality of employment opportunity in the services administered by it without regard to religious, political or racial considerations. The Eastern Board is also included in the register, maintained by the Fair Employment Agency, of those employers who have subscribed to a declaration of commitment to the principle of equality of opportunity, and is entitled to describe itself as an equal opportunity employer. Strict adherence by the Board to the standard selection and appointment procedures for staff in the health and social services ensures that all appointments to vacancies at the Royal Victoria Hospital and elsewhere in the Board's area are made strictly on merit without regard to political, religious or racial considerations.