HC Deb 06 July 1977 vol 934 cc576-8W
Mr. Ashley

asked the Secretary of State for Employment how many teenagers are at present employed in Staffordshire.

Mr. Golding

I regret that the information is not available. The employment returns do not require firms to provide information about the age of employees.

Mr. Ashley

asked the Secretary of State for Employment what is his estimate of the trend of teenage unemployment in Staffordshire until Christmas.

Mr. Golding

I regret that it is not possible to make reliable estimates of this kind. This will depend not only on general economic conditions but also on the response of employers and others to the new youth opportunities programme.

Mr. Ashley

asked the Secretary of State for Employment if he will list in the Official Report the number of teenagers who were unemployed in Staffordshire in each of the last 10 years at midsummer and at Christmas; and if he will express these in percentage terms.

Mr. Golding

The only figure, of those asked for, which is available is that for July 1976. This is as follows:

Number unemployed in Staffordshire under 20 years of age
July 1976 6,310

It is not know what percentage this is of young people who are unemployed, but it is known that it represents 32.5 per cent. of all those unemployed in Staffordshire in July 1976.

These figures should be viewed against the background that they include large numbers of school leavers; and yet employers do not generally start school leavers until later in the summer.

Mr. Ashley

asked the Secretary of State for Employment if he will publish in the Official Report, in rank order, the amount of money devoted to each county to reduce unemployment among teenagers.

Mr. Golding

The information is not available in the form requested and could not be obtained without disproportionate cost.

Mr. Ashley

asked the Secretary of State for Employment what share of the new schemes, and extensions of existing schemes, which he announced on 29th June, will accrue to Staffordshire.

Mr. Golding

Allocation of funds for the youth employment subsidy and the job creation and work experience programmes are not made on a county basis, and the amount going to Staffordshire will depend on the extent to which people and organisations in the county come forward with applications under the schemes. The job release scheme, which applies to those living in Staffordshire but working outside in an assisted area, has been extended to 31st March 1978, with the proviso that it will in future apply only to the employed. I am informed by the Manpower Services Commission that detailed implementation of the new programme announced on 29th June has still to be worked out. However, it is intended that the allocation of resources for the new programme for young people should be related to local variations in levels of youth unemploy- ment. The resources of the special temporary employment programme (STEP) for adults will be concentrated in areas of particularly high unemployment. Both programmes will, of course, operate throughout the country.

Mr. Ashley

asked the Secretary of State for Employment how many extra unemployment specialist posts are to be allocated to Staffordshire.

Mr. Golding

Allocation of the 170 extra posts which my right hon. Friend announced on 29th June 1977 has not yet begun.

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