HC Deb 10 February 1977 vol 925 c833W
Mr. Hicks

asked the Secretary of State for Trade if he will provide a list of the principal types of timber and timber products imported into the United Kingdom in 1976, giving the quantity involved and cost.

Mr. Meacher

Following is the information:

Thousand cubic metres £ million cif
Soft wood 7,144 482
Hard wood 861 96
Plywood 902 127
Chipboard 903 68
Thousand metric tons
Other timber*and simply worked wood 264 54
Wood pulp and waste paper 2,394 458
Newsprint 1,134 220
Printing and writing paper 488 136
Kraft paper and board 729 158
Other paper and board not in highly processed forms 730 141
TOTAL 1,940
* Includes pulp wood, pitprops, poles and other manufactured wood.
Percentage of visitors* 1973–74 1976–77
Tourist Board Region Home of Board Members
Cumbria 0.7
Northumbria 1.1
North-West England 5.1 1 1
Yorkshire 3.5
Heart of England 5.0 1 2
East Midlands 2.7 1 2
Thames and Chilterns 5.6
East Anglia 4.5
Greater London 74.6 2 1
West Country 7.3 1
South-East England 14.7 1 1
Scotland 9.3
Wales 4.0
* Soure:Analysis of International Passenger Survey 1972–73.
Appointments are not made to the board in representative capacities

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