HC Deb 16 December 1977 vol 941 cc491-500W
Mr. Corbett

asked the Secretary of State for Trade whether he will list those

organisations which made representations on the consultative document on airport strategy; when the consultation period opened and ended; and whether he will make a statement on the Government's response to representations.

Mr. Clinton Davis

Over 600 organisations, including economic planning councils, local authorities, amenity groups, airlines, airport authorities and trade unions, were invited to comment on the consultation document Airport Strategy for Great Britain, which was published in two parts in November 1975 and June 1976. Representations were received from many of these organisations and from other bodies and individuals, a list of these will be circulated with theOfficial Report. The consultations were virtually completed with my meeting with my hon. Friend and other hon. Members on 28th July 1977. My right hon. Friend hopes to publish a White Paper on Airports Policy, which will take account of the views received early in 1978.

Following are the organisations:

  • Action for Elmdon Restriction Organisation (AERO)
  • Adur District Council
  • Aerodrome Owners Association
  • Airfields Environment Federation
  • Air Transport and Travel Industry Training Board
  • Aldbury Parish Council
  • Aldenham Parish Council
  • Alyn & Deeside District Council
  • Amersham & District Residents Association
  • Anstey Parish Council
  • Ardeley Parish Council
  • Arkesden Parish Council
  • Arun District Council
  • Ashtead Residents Association
  • Association of British Chambers of Commerce
  • Association of British Travel Agents
  • Association of County Councils
  • Aston Parish Council
  • Avon—County of
  • Aylesbury Vale District Council
  • Aythorpe Roding Parish Council
  • Banff & Buchan District Council
  • Barking Borough Council
  • Barnes Community Association
  • Barnet Borough Council
  • Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council
  • Barnston Parish Council
  • 493
  • Bath City Council
  • Beaconsfield District Council
  • Beddington Carshalton & Wallington Archaeological Society
  • Bedfordshire County Council
  • Berden Parish Council
  • Berkhamsted Town Council
  • Berkshire—Royal County of
  • Betchworth and Buckland Society
  • Beverley Borough Council
  • Bickenhill Parish Council
  • Bickenhill Parochial Church Council
  • Birchanger Parish Council
  • Birmingham Chamber of Industry and Commerce
  • Birmingham—City of
  • Birmingham & District Federation of Residents Associations
  • Bishops Stortford Town Council
  • Bisley Residents Association
  • Blackpool Borough Council
  • Blackwater Valley Protection Group
  • Blaenau Gwent—Borough of
  • Boothferry District Council
  • Borders Regional Council
  • Bournemouth Airport
  • Bournemouth—Borough of
  • Bournemouth-Hurn Airport Management Committee
  • Bracknell Development Corporation
  • Bracknell District Council
  • Bradford Chamber of Commerce Incorporated
  • Braintree District Council
  • Brecknock—Borough of
  • Bristol Chamber of Commerce Industry & Shipping
  • Bristol—City of
  • Bristol Civic Society
  • Bristol University
  • British Airline Pilots Association
  • British Airports Authority
  • British Airport Authority Joint Negotiating Consultative Committee
  • British Airways
  • British Association for Control of Aircraft Noise
  • British Caledonian
  • British Chambers of Commerce
  • British Railways Board
  • British Road Federation
  • British Shippers Council
  • British Tourist Authority
  • Broadland District Council
  • Bromley Borough Council
  • Broxbourne Borough Council
  • Buckinghamshire County Council
  • Buckland Parish Council
  • Burnley Borough Council
  • Burston Parish Council
  • Business & Professional Womens Club
  • Civil Aviation Authority
  • CAA Central Staff Side
  • Camden Borough Council
  • Cambridge City Council
  • Cambridgeshire County Council
  • Cambridgeshire Preservation Society
  • Cambridge University
  • Cardiff—City of
  • Carmarthen District Council
  • Castle Brornwich Parish Council
  • Castle Donington Civic Society
  • Castle Morpeth Borough Council
  • Castle Point District Council
  • Caterham Valley W.I.
  • 494
  • Catton's Resistance against Norwich Airport
  • Ceredigion District Council
  • Charnwood—Borough of
  • Chelmsford District Council
  • Cheltenham Borough Council
  • Cherwell District Council
  • Cheshire County Council
  • Chesterfield Borough Council
  • Chichester District Council
  • Chiltern District Council
  • Chiltern Society
  • Chorley Wood Parish Council
  • Chrishall Parish Council
  • Christchurch—Borough of
  • City & District of St. Albans Development & Technical Services
  • City of London
  • City of Westminster
  • Claremont Lane Residents Association
  • Clare Hill (Esher) Association Ltd
  • Clavering Parish Council
  • Claygate Village Residents Association
  • Cleveland—County of
  • Clwyd County Council
  • Codicote Parish Council
  • Colnbrook Residents Association
  • Commission for New Towns
  • Committee for Environmental Conservation
  • Communist Party
  • Confederation of British Industry
  • Confederation of British Industry Scottish Office
  • Confederation of British Road Transport Limited
  • Conference of British Chambers of Commerce in Continental Europe
  • Consultative Committee for Manchester Airport
  • Consultative Committee for Stansted Airport
  • Cornwall County Council
  • Costock Parish Council
  • Cottered Parish Council
  • Council for the Principality
  • Council for the Protection of Rural England
  • Country Landowners Association
  • Countryside Commission
  • Countryside Commission for Scotland
  • Coventry City Council
  • Cranleigh Parish Council
  • Crawley Borough Council
  • Cunningham District Council
  • Cynon Valley Borough Council
  • Dacorum District Council
  • Dacorum District Committee of Parish Councils
  • Dartford District Council
  • Datchet Parish Council
  • Debden Parish Council
  • Defenders of Essex Association
  • Delyn Borough Council
  • Derbyshire County Council
  • Derwentside District Council
  • Derwentside Development Commission
  • Devon County Council
  • Dinefwr, Borough of
  • Dorking & Leith Hill Preservation Society
  • Dorridge & District Residents Association
  • Dorset County Council
  • Dover District Council
  • Dunmow Society
  • Durham County Council
  • Dyfed County Council
  • Ealing Aircraft Noise Action Group
  • Ealing Borough Council
  • Easington District Council
  • East Anglia Economic Planning Council
  • 495
  • East Birmingham Community Health Council
  • Eastham & South Bromborough Labour Party
  • East Hertfordshire District Council
  • East Horsley Parish Council
  • East Midlands Airport
  • East Midlands Consultative Committee
  • East Midlands Economic Planning Council
  • East Midlands Chamber of Commerce
  • East Midlands Forum of County Councils
  • East Midlands Region of Chambers of Commerce
  • East Sussex County Council
  • Economic Development Council—International Freight Movement
  • Edinburgh Airport Consultative Committee
  • Elmdon & Wenden Lofts Parish Council
  • Elsenham Parish Council
  • English Tourist Board
  • Epping Forest District Council
  • Epping Town Council
  • Erewash Borough Council
  • Esher Residents Association
  • Essex County Council
  • Exeter City Council
  • Export Association of Nottingham
  • Fairway (South) Residents Association
  • Farnham & District Ratepayers Association
  • Farnham Parish Council
  • Federation of Heathrow Anti Noise Groups
  • Felsted Parish Council
  • Fetcham Residents Association
  • Fife Regional Council
  • Fisons Horticulture
  • Fordbridge Town Council
  • Four London Airport Group
  • Freight Transport Association
  • Friends of the Vale of Aylesbury
  • Fylde Borough Council
  • GLC
  • Gaddesden & District Association for Control of Aircraft Noise
  • Gatwick Airport Consultative Committee
  • Gatwick Area Conservation Campaign
  • Gatwick Resident Airline Operators Association
  • Gelding Borough of
  • Glenwood Association
  • Glamorgan Rhoose Airport Joint Committee
  • Glamorgan Rhoose Airport Staff Joint Council
  • Glanford Borough Council
  • Glasgow Airport Noise Abatement Group (GANAG)
  • Gloucester City of
  • Glyndwr District Council
  • Grampian Regional Council
  • Gravesend Borough Council
  • Great Canfield Parish Council
  • Great Dunmow Parish Council
  • Greater Manchester Association of Metropolitan Authorities
  • Great Hallingbury Parish Council
  • Great Munden Parish Council
  • Grimsby Borough Council
  • Guildford Borough Council
  • Gwent County Committee National Chamber of Trade in Wales
  • Gwent County Council
  • Gwynedd County Council
  • Hackney Borough Council
  • Hadstock Parish Council
  • Hale Action Committee
  • Hamilton District Council
  • Hammersmith Borough Council
  • 496
  • Hampshire County Council
  • Hampshire Federation of Ratepayers Association
  • Hampton in Arden Parish Council
  • Hampton in Arden Society
  • Harlow Development Corporation
  • Harlow District Council
  • Harrogate Council
  • Harrow Council
  • Haslemere Aircraft Disturbance Action Group
  • Hatchford Brook Residents Association
  • Hatfield Borad Oak Parish Council
  • Hatfield Parish Council
  • Havering Borough Council
  • Heart of England Tourist Board
  • Heathrow Airport Consultative Committee
  • Heathrow Association for Control of Aircraft Noise
  • Hertfordshire Association of Parish Councils
  • Hertfordshire Council for Voluntary Service
  • Hertfordshire County Council
  • Hertfordshire Federation of Amenity Groups
  • Hertfordshire Federation of Womens Institutes
  • Hertfordshire Girl Guides
  • Hertfordshire Society
  • Hertfordshire, Stevenage & Ware Conservation Association
  • High Easter Parish Council
  • High Roding Parish Council
  • Hillingdon Borough Council
  • Hinchley Wood Residents Association
  • Hitchin & District Association for Control of Aircraft Noise
  • Horley Parish Council
  • Horley Residents Association
  • Horsham Association of Parish Councils
  • Horsham District Council
  • Hounslow Borough Council
  • Household Textiles Association
  • Humberside County Council
  • Hurley Parish Council
  • Hum Airport Action Group
  • Hyndburn Borough of
  • Institute Freight Forwarders
  • Institute of Sound & Vibration Research
  • International Air Transport Association
  • Inveresk Research International
  • Irvine Development Corporation
  • Isle of Anglesey Borough Council
  • Joint Airport Committee of Local Authorities
  • Joint Committee for Planning and Preservation of Sussex Rural Community Council, and Federation of Sussex Amenity Groups
  • Kegworth Parish Council
  • Kent County Council
  • Kempton Parish Council
  • Kew Society
  • Keyworth Parish Council
  • Kingston upon Thames Royal Borough
  • Kings Walden Parish Council
  • Kingswood District Council
  • Kingswood District Council
  • Kingswood District Residents Association
  • Kirkcaldy District Council
  • Kirklees Metropolitan Council
  • Knebworth Parish Council
  • Knotty Green and Forty Green Society
  • Knowle Society
  • Kyle and Carrick District Council
  • Lakeside Residents Society
  • Lancashire County Council
  • Lancaster City Council
  • Langley Parish Council
  • Lee and Stort Development Committee
  • Leeds Bradford Airport Consultative Committee
  • 497
  • Leeds Bradford Airport Joint Committee
  • Leeds Bradford Association for Control of Aircraft Noise
  • Leeds Chamber of Commerce
  • Leicestershire County Council
  • Leigh Parish Council
  • Letchworth Garden City Corporation
  • Little Canfield Parish Council
  • Lingfield and District Amenity Society
  • Little Bardfield Parish Council
  • Littlebury Parish Council
  • Little Easton Parish Council
  • Little Gaddesden Parish Council
  • Little Hallenbury Parish Council
  • Liverpool City of
  • Llanelli Borough of
  • Lliw Valley Borough of
  • Local Authorities Aircraft Noise Council
  • London Borough Association
  • London Chamber of Commerce and Industry
  • London City of
  • London Tourist Board
  • London Transport
  • Lothian Regional Council
  • Luton Airport Consultative Committee
  • Luton Borough Council
  • Luton and District Association for Control of Aircraft Noise
  • Macclesfield Borough Council
  • Manchester Chamber of Commerce
  • Manchester Airport Consultative Committee
  • Manchester Good Neighbours Association
  • Manchester International Airport Authority
  • Manuden Parish Council
  • Margaret Roding Parish Council
  • Markyate Parish Council
  • Marston Green Residents Association
  • Melbourne Civic Society
  • Meriden Conservative and Unionist Association
  • Merseyside Chamber of Commerce and Industry
  • Merseyside County Council
  • Merton Borough Council
  • Mid Bedfordshire District Council
  • Mid Glamorgan County Council
  • Mid Sussex District Council
  • Middlesbrough Borough Council
  • Midland Motorways Action Committee
  • Mytchett, Frimley Green and Deepcut Residents Association
  • Milton Keynes Borough Council
  • Mole Valley District Council
  • Monmouth District Council
  • Motherwell District Council
  • Nailsea Town Council
  • NALGO Representatives at Bournemouth-Hum Airport
  • Nash Mills Parish Council
  • National Air Traffic Services
  • National Bus Company
  • National Chamber of Trade in Wales
  • National Council for Civil Air Transport-Trade Union Side
  • National Council on Inland Transport
  • National Economic Development Council
  • National Farmers Union
  • National Freight Co
  • National Joint Council for Civil Air Transport
  • National & Local Government Officers Association
  • National Trust
  • National Water Council
  • Nature Conservancy Council
  • Nettleden with Potten End Parish Council
  • Newcastle Airport
  • 498
  • Newcastle Airport Consultative Committee
  • Newcastle Airport Shop Stewards Committee
  • Newcastle upon Tyne City Council
  • Newport Borough Council
  • Newport Parish Council
  • Noise Advisory Council
  • Norfolk County Council
  • Northamptonshire County Council
  • Northavon District Council
  • Northern Economic Planning Council
  • North Dorset District Council
  • North Hertfordshire District Council
  • North East Regional Airport Committee
  • North Somerset Protection Society
  • North West Essex & East Herts Preservation Association
  • North West London Society of Architects
  • North West Surrey Conservative Association
  • Northumberland County Council
  • North Warwickshire Borough Council
  • North West Leicestershire District Council
  • North West Regional Development Board
  • North West Industrial Development Association
  • Northwolds Borough of
  • Norwich City of
  • Nottingham Association of Local Councils South West Area Committee
  • Nottinghamshire Chamber of Commerce and Industry
  • Nottinghamshire County Council
  • Ockley Society
  • Ockley Parish Council
  • Offley Parish Council
  • Ogwr Borough Council
  • Oldham Metropolitan Borough
  • Oxford City Council
  • Oxford County Council
  • Oxted Parish Council
  • Parish Councils (Airport) Committee
  • Pendle District Council
  • Polytechnic of Central London
  • Poole Borough Council
  • Preston Parish Council
  • Powys County Council
  • Preseli District Council
  • Prestwick Airport Consultative Committee
  • Quendon & Rickling Parish Council
  • Reading Borough Council
  • Redbourne Association
  • Redbourn Parish Council
  • Redbridge Borough Council
  • Redditch District Council
  • Reed Parish Council
  • Reigate & Banstead Borough Council
  • Rempstone Parish Council
  • Renfrew District Council
  • Restormel Borough of
  • Richmond upon Thames
  • Rhymney Valley District Council
  • Riverside Action Committee
  • Ross & Cromarty District Council
  • Royal Aeronautical Society
  • Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead
  • Royal County of Berkshire
  • Royal Institute of British Architects
  • Royal Town Planning Institute
  • Rushcliffe Borough Council
  • Rusper Parish Council
  • St Ippolyts Parish Council
  • St Albans City of
  • St Albans & District Association for Control of Aircraft Noise
  • Saffron Walden Constituency Liberal Association
  • 499
  • Saffron Walden Town Council
  • Salisbury District Council
  • Salfords & Sidlow Parish Council
  • Sarratt Parish Council
  • Save the Airport at Yeadon Committee (STAY)
  • Sawbridgeworth Preservation Society
  • Sawbridgeworth Town Council
  • Science Research Council
  • Scottish Association for Public Transport
  • Scottish Development Department
  • Scottish Economic Planning Department
  • Sevenoaks District Council
  • Scottish Tourist Board
  • Scottish Trades Union Congress
  • Scunthorpe Borough Council
  • Sedgemore District Council
  • Selby District Council
  • Sevenoaks District Council
  • Shalford Parish Council
  • Sheldon Action Group on Aircraft Noise
  • Sheldon Labour Action Group
  • Shere & District Rural Preservation Society
  • Shetland Island Council
  • Slough District Council
  • Slough Corporation
  • Software Sciences Ltd.
  • Solihull Education Committee
  • Solihull Federation of Metropolitan District Labour Party
  • South Bedfordshire District Council
  • South Cambridgeshire District Council
  • South Derbyshire District Council
  • South East Economic Planning Council
  • Southend Airport Consultative Committee
  • Southend on Sea Borough Council
  • South Essex District Committee of the Communist Party
  • South Pembrokeshire District Council
  • South Staffordshire District Council
  • South Tyneside, Borough of
  • South Yorkshire County Council
  • Spelthorne Borough Council
  • Staffordshire County Council
  • Staines Town Society
  • Standing Conference on London & South East Regional Planning
  • Stanstead Abbots Parish Council
  • Stansted Airport Action Group
  • Stansted Airport Consultative Committee
  • Stansted Preservation Association
  • Stansted Chamber of Trade
  • Stansted Parish Council
  • Stapleford Parish Council
  • Stebbing Parish Council
  • Stechford Health Centre
  • Stechford Constituency Conservation Association
  • Stevenage Development Corporation
  • Stockport Metropolitan Borough
  • Stockton on Tees Borough Council
  • Stoke on Trent, City of
  • Strand on the Green Association
  • Strawberry Hill Residents Association
  • Stoke D'Abernon & District Residents Association
  • Styal Action Association
  • Surrey Amenity Council
  • Surrey County Council
  • Surrey Heath Borough Council
  • Sutton Borough Council
  • Swale District Council
  • Swansea, City of
  • TUC
  • Takeley Parish Council
  • 500
  • Tandridge District Council
  • Taplow Parish Council
  • Tayside Regional Council
  • Teesside Airport
  • Teesside Airport Committee
  • Test Valley
  • Thames Ditton Residents Association
  • Thamesdown, Borough of
  • Thames Water Authority
  • Thaxted Parish Council
  • Thaxted Society
  • Three River District Council
  • Thurrock Borough Council
  • Tile Cross & Lea Valley Residents Association
  • Tonbridge & Mailing District Council
  • Torfaen, Borough of
  • Tour Operators Study Group
  • Tower Hamlets Borough Council
  • Town & Country Planning Association
  • Town Hill Part Residents Association
  • Trafford Borough of
  • Transport & General Workers Union
  • Tring Town Council
  • Tweedale District Council
  • Twickenham Park Residents Association
  • Uttlesford District Council
  • University of Aston Management Centre
  • University of Bristol
  • University of Cambridge
  • University of Nottingham
  • Vale of Glamorgan Borough Council
  • Wakefield Metropolitan District Council
  • Waltham Forest Borough of
  • Wansdyke District Council
  • Warwick District Council
  • Watford Rural Parish Council
  • Waveney District Council
  • Waverley District Council
  • Weddens Ambo Society
  • Wells Green & Lydon Residents Association
  • Welsh Council
  • Welsh Counties Committee
  • West Addlesion Residents Association
  • West London Architectural Society
  • Westminster City of
  • West Midland County Council
  • West Midlands Economic Planning Council
  • West Midlands Planning Authorities Conference
  • West Midlands Ratepayers Federation
  • West Parley Parish Council
  • West Sussex County Council
  • Wessex Residents Consultative Committee
  • Weston Parish Council
  • Westmacote Parish Council
  • West Wiltshire District Council
  • West Yorkshire Metropolitan County Council
  • Wheathampsted Parish Council
  • Widford Rural Preservation Society
  • Widdington Parish Council
  • Wimbush District Council
  • Winford Parish Council
  • Woodlands Park Association
  • Woodmancote Parish Council
  • Woodspring District of (& Local Parish Councils Amenity Groups)
  • Wraysbury Anti-Aircraft Noise Group
  • Wycombe District Council
  • Yorkshire Airport Action Committee
  • Yorkshire & Humberside Airport Development Association
  • Yorkshire & Humberside Economic Planning Council

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