HC Deb 13 December 1977 vol 941 c177W
27. Mr. Eyre

asked the Secretary of State for Employment what steps are being taken to reduce unemployment among young people in the inner area of Birmingham.

Mr. Golding

Young people in Birmingham, including the inner area, are benefiting from the various measures introduced by the Government to alleviate unemployment. The following information relates to the Birmingham city local education authority area. To date 186 schemes providing 550 places have been approved under the work experience programme; 634 youth employment subsidy applications have been approved: 116 young people are employed by community industry; and 258 young people are on various short training courses. Under the job creation scheme 92 projects have been approved providing 1,192 jobs including many for young people. Many other young people have been assisted with apprenticeships and other training under various schemes provided by industry training boards.

My right hon. Friend announced on 29th June a new youth opportunities programme which will offer a range of opportunities for training and work experience which can be adapted to individual needs. Resources are to be allocated in proportion to the numbers of young people unemployed in local education authority areas so that areas, such as the inner area of Birmingham with the most severe problems will benefit accordingly.

The Government's new initiatives to strengthen the economies of inner cities and particularly the partnership arrangement with central Government which has been offered to Birmingham should help unemployed young people there.