HC Deb 09 December 1977 vol 940 cc927-8W
Mr. Sillars

asked the Secretary of State for Employment what is the ratio of job

assured the House on 20th July—[Vol. 935, c. 1733.]—that living standards will be maintained right through this round if the guidelines are observed. Estimates of the real wage level at the end of next July depend upon the personal circumstances and income level of the person concerned and the rate of inflation then. However, I estimate that a married man with two children under 11 earning £55 a week in March 1977 will require a gross pay increase in this round of 1¼ per cent. to maintain his standard of living if inflation next July is 8 per cent.; if it is 6 per cent., he will find he has an increase in real wages of ½ per cent without any gross pay increase. This is the result of the fiscal measures I have taken this year. For a man earning £80 a week with similar personal circumstances the gross salary increase necessary to maintain his living standards I estimate to be 8½ per cent. on the 8 per cent, assumption and 6 per cent. on the lower assumption.

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